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Functionality to describe interactive App elements

08-26-2021 03:41 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor


I've found a need for myself to have some way to simply describe what each interactive element on the Minimalist web app does for visitors.

For example, some way in the Details panel to provide a brief explanation of what each interactive element does, with an icon for reference. That way the Details can function as a landing/help section, without crowding the minimal tools out with lots of explanatory labels.

I love the Minimalist app as a way to really easily display spatial data without too much fluff - however the icons for each interactive element can be confounding to not-so-savvy tech users.



Would it help if we added a configuration option that allowed you to open the app with the action bar expanded?Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 5.04.41 PM.png


That would be helpful to pin open the action bar from start!

I was also thinking if there is some way for the additional tools (Home, Bookmarks, Basemap toggle) to have some simple labelling of some sort associated with the icon.

For the time being I've just been creating small snips of the tools in PNG format and posting them in the Details text box with a brief name as to their funciton.


Ok I see its more about the tools on the map. Yes we can look into allowing the app to be configured to show a label and icon.