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Introducing Public Notification (Beta)

03-10-2023 11:40 AM
Esri Contributor
3 19 2,770

The Public Notification (Beta) template is a new Instant Apps template that allows users to create a list of selected features that they can export as a .csv or .pdf file. The app template also includes theme settings and a basic set of navigation tools to explore the map, such as zoom tools, a legend, the layer list for changing layer visibility, and a basemap switcher.



Use this app to export lists of addresses or contact information for people or places to notify the public about important updates such as road closures or policy changes. Here are two potential use cases:

  • Export structured mailing labels. For example, a city needs to alert residents about an upcoming road closure, and they need to identify people living within 2 miles of that segment of road that will be closed.
  • Generate an organized list of features within a boundary. For example, a property owner wants to generate a list of occupants throughout their properties. That property owner could use building features to notify occupants that are within or intersect the boundary.


Use Public Notification

To generate lists of features to export, an addressee layer must be defined. The pop-ups of the features in the addressee layer are used in the exported .csv or .pdf file. Once the layer is defined, a user can start selecting features to include in a list.

There are two methods for selecting features to add to lists in Public Notification: search and sketch.

  • Search uses the search widget in the panel where users can enter addresses or points of interest. Once a location is returned, they can create a search radius using miles, kilometers, meters, and feet to add features within the buffer.


  • Sketch uses a basic set of drawing tools for drawing a point, line, rectangle, or polygon. The drawn graphics are used to select features from the addressee layer that intersect.



Among the sketch tools, there is also an option to use layer features. This allows for features from another layer in the map to be used to select intersecting features from the addressee layer. For example, this option could be used to export all the addresses within a school district.



To export the lists of features that are created in the app, use the Download PDF or Download CSV buttons at the top of the app panel. If there are multiple lists, users can choose which lists to include in the export and remove duplicate addresses if the same feature exists in the lists.



If the goal is to export mailing labels, users can choose a label layout prior to exporting lists to PDF. You must confirm that the pop-up configuration for the addressee layer is set up like a mailing label would be (full address, city, state, postal code, and so on).



Like other Instant Apps templates, Public Notification has more configurable tools and options, such as bookmarks and navigation boundary. With the theme settings, you can change the look of the app by updating the font and colors used. Choose light or dark mode, select a preset color scheme, or customize your own. You can also add a logo in the header next to the app title.

Try it out

We appreciate your feedback so we can continue improving our templates. Comment below or use the ArcGIS Instant Apps Ideas page. Explore the Public Notification (Beta) sample app in ArcGIS Online or create your own app.





Occasional Contributor

These aren't the droids are the apps you're looking for...

Occasional Contributor
This is a great app and will cause us to retire a couple custom apps when it's released. One added enhancement ability I can see is the ability to create a PDF key map to illustrate features being selected. That key map documentation is something we usually store with the exported data for labels, etc.
Here's a pic of typical fields conveyed to the report, labels, and key map...

Esri Contributor

@WilliamKeever Thanks, that is great to hear! The option to include an image of the map with the exported file is on our roadmap. 

Regular Contributor

This is overall a big improvement over the Public Notification solution. I love that you can add multiple areas/individual locations to one print. One thing I wish we could do is edit the PDF label options. We almost exclusively use 30 labels per page, so to be able to set that as our default label option, or to remove label options that we don't use would be awesome. And adding a Word document version of the PDF labels would be nice too. Sometimes an individual address label needs tweaking or doesn't fit right within one label (we had an issue where addresses with 4 lines didn't print within the label borders), so to be able to edit the labels in a Word document before printing would also be awesome.

Frequent Contributor

@SarahMcDonald_Esri I'm glad to see this available. The search configuration doesn't appear to work, however. We need to be able to search our tax parcels by parcel ID, owner name, etc. when an address hasn't been assigned. The app seems to default to the World Geocoder even when I have removed it from the search configuration and configured what I want instead.

I agree with being able to configure the output options. Also, I need the ability to set the default units to something other than kilometers. I'd also like an introduction panel so I can link to an instructional video.

Thanks for this release, though!

Frequent Contributor

OK. What am I missing? How do I get the buffer to run? I have this set up to select from my parcels and to use the parcels as the address list. I enter in my parcel number and it gets selected. I have 500 Feet set up as my search distance. I have no buffer. I click Done and the only parcel selected is the one I search for.

Frequent Contributor

@JenniferBorlick For me it just works, draws the buffer and selects the parcels. Not sure why it isn't working for you.

Also, I wanted to note that my custom search configuration is now working! Now I just need the printing ability and the unit configuration.

Frequent Contributor

Thanks @HeatherWidlund !

I ended up building it in Experience Builder. I did have to go in and create a "pseudo" layer to get it to work. So I have a Parcels layer and a Buffered Parcels layer. I search using the Parcels Layer and Select the buffered parcels with the buffer. Just for fun I went in and tried making the Instant App with the two layers and it worked.

So... Long Story Short, the parcel you need a buffer for has to be in a different layer than the parcels being selected to make a buffer.

I think I'll keep the ExB app. Most of the time our users are using the tax ID, but I would like to also add "search by address". So, they will search for the address, when selected it will select the parcel, then they can do the buffer.


Frequent Contributor

@SarahMcDonald_Esri  I am delighted to see that a key map is now available with the PDF export, with the option of defining a title. I am also now able to choose the default units. An option to choose the default label layout would be great, too. As I test, I'm finding that the search is wonky, not returning results/suggestions for features with a valid address. The Parcel ID search seems to work fine, but the address search (on a full address field in the same layer) is inconsistent.

Thanks for a great tool! I'm going to deploy it as soon as I've done a tutorial video. The directions built into the app can be a little unclear (a hint to hit the Export button when you're done would be helpful).

Esri Contributor

Hi @HeatherWidlund 

That is great to hear! I am happy that Public Notification is working well for you. 

In regards to choosing a default label layout, do you mean for the PDF export? (By default have the app always use 20 labels per page, choose that in the configuration)

For the search, is the address search using a layer, locator or World geocoding service as the search source? 

Making a note on the in app directions. Just curious, for the built in directions would it be helpful if we made those editable?



Frequent Contributor

@SarahMcDonald_Esri Yes, being able to choose a default layout for the PDF export would be great. Most people don't use 6, they use 20 or 30 so it has to be changed every time.

The search is using the parcel layer in the map, with the ability to search multiple fields. The results are inconsistent (sometimes it doesn't find valid results), which is always frustrating for users.

It would be helpful to be able to edit the directions. For example, I need to tell people to add extra distance for rights of way. Right now I do it in the splash screen, as well as a tip to use the layer features (it sometimes buffers a point instead of a parcel otherwise), but it's easy for people to click through without reading it.

Thank you for your response!

New Explorer

@SarahMcDonald_Esri @HeatherWidlund Is there a good tutorial page on how to start using this? I currently have a custom script that I use in Aro Pro to run public notification map work and labels. I would love to be able to test this out. Heather did you end up making a tutorial? I would love to see something so I can start seeing how this would for my organization.


Sarah - is there any documentation other than this page and the sample that I should look at?


Frequent Contributor

@ExpressMapping I have not had time to record the tutorial yet! I was hoping some more of the suggested changes would be adopted before I got around to it.

New Explorer

@HeatherWidlund Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I will see what I can do playing around on my end in the meantime. Appreciate all the help.

Frequent Contributor

@ExpressMapping Here is a YouTube link to my tutorial video on the notification app.

*Edited for revised video link. I added a measurement tool so people can measure road right-of-ways.

Occasional Contributor

Is there any way to visually announce the feature being buffered in the map? I would like to be able to export the map in the PDF and be able to make it clear which feature (parcel in my case) is being buffered. Something like a label of different color, or differently colored selection highlight? 

In cases of having to present the map to the public, it would be nice to be able to easily tell from a glance at the map what feature is the feature of concern/is being buffered. Currently, everything is exported in the map with the default cyan selection highlight, making it difficult to tell where the buffer started.

New Explorer

@HeatherWidlund Just watched your tutorial, it looks great! Thanks for posting it.

Frequent Contributor

@SarahMcDonald_Esri Once again, I appreciate the response to comments! I can now pick a default label layout and that is awesome.

Similar to @EthanSmith2 , I'd like to see the subject parcel and actual buffer in the final map. Is there a way to make those persist after hitting Done? Thanks again.

Regular Contributor

@SarahMcDonald_Esri ,

Great app. This is a very important part of the planning process and a much needed solution. I agree with others comments about adding the ability to highlight the selected parcel/road as a unique feature and having the selected parcels as another unique feature in the legend. I did these maps for several years and we always have these elements and the buffer area outline (see attached). We always wanted to give this task to non-GIS people but couldn't because there wasn't a good solutions available. This could be it!

The map is one of the most important pieces for our organization.  It would be amazing if everyone could add our own print service to the app. This lets everyone control their branding and page size. In the attached example we could easily rearrange the map and move the circled informative text to the top and slide the legend area over to keep things simple.

Other nice additions would be the ability to give the legend items custom text labels.


PA Notice.png

About the Author
Product Engineer