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Prepare CAD config template to import floor plan into indoors model

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03-04-2024 09:35 PM
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

Hello everyone,  I am new to ArcGIS indoors, seeking some assistance to configure CAD floor plan mappings and metadata.

I and in process to import floor plan into the indoors model.

But I am not 100% sure on best way to prepare the Config_CAD_Indoors_Template.xlsx

In terms of data, I have set of CAD drawings for 2 building in DWG format. I have used AutoCAD to export the layers data using EXTRACTDATA utility. Which export the xls file with heaps of information of designs, that includes name of Layers, file name and other related attributes.

Going through documentation at the links below, I am getting confused on placing right design layer name in Config_CAD_Indoors_Template.xlsx sheets.

Has anyone ever struggled preparing the Config_CAD_Indoors_Template.xlsx ?

Or is it just me?


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17 Replies
Regular Contributor

hi @Jinho_Kang 

I am not sure if there is a problem with the SITE_ID, FACILITY_ID and LEVEL_ID area schemas. It seems to be fine. I do not know how the level id was deleted from the floor schema or why it was not there.



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Regular Contributor

hi @Jinho_Kang 

Checking the field schema names SITE_ID, FACILITY_ID and LEVEL_ID is like this. I don't think there is an error here.



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Frequent Contributor

Hi @emreaktas1 .

Thank you for sharing additional screenshots.
Can you zip the entire pro project folder files (that includes the geodatabase and aprx files) and send it to me?  (
Also, it would be helpful if you could share which version of Pro and Indoor extension tier (Indoors Maps or Indoors Pro) you are using in the email.

Thank you.

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Regular Contributor

Merhaba  @Jinho_Kang 

I have sent the necessary files.

Arcgis Pro 3.3.0


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Frequent Contributor

Hi @emreaktas1 

I checked and downloaded the zipped file send by @İbrahimEnesSağlam 

I opened the "Map.mapx" and;

1. I had no problem reading/configuring the Levels for the floor.


2. Rest of the data (Units, Details) worked with the floor-aware widget


3. I did notice duplicated indoor features within your data


I'm not sure what's preventing your ArcGIS Pro from reading and recognizing the floor-aware features; the schemas and values are all there.

The other methods I can recommend you to try are;
1. Completely delete/remove ArcGIS Pro's cache
2. Re-start the ArcGIS Pro (or maybe even reboot the PC)
3. Start and re-do from the new APRX/Project and folder

If the above methods fails, it most likely be an Esri tech support ticket. 

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Emerging Contributor
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Emerging Contributor

hi @Jinho_Kang 

Our institution has shared the links to the files you requested.

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Regular Contributor

I used mport CAD To Indoor Dataset (Indoors) tool and it transferred my CAD data to Indoor without any error. But in Indoor Layers section; Sites, Facilities, Floor section is empty and the floor filter is not activated. I wonder where I made a mistake.

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