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Issues with caching a Mosaic Dataset containing raster data from mulitple dates

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Emerging Contributor


We have a large volume of Aerial photographs from over 20 years of data capture and have been using the process set out here to organise and publish them as a dynamic service but also caching the service to capture the imagery at the top of the mosaic

We have been using this process in ArcMap for several years, with mosaics of flights feeding into mosaics for the year, feeding into a final master mosaic of all the imagery.  

We have found that since moving to ArcGIS Pro the caching part of this process has really struggled.  We cache 14 levels between 1:500 up to 1:2,000,000. As it moves up through the levels the caching process gets slower and slower where I would expect it to be faster, 20-30 mins per level when I would expect a few minutes. And when the process reaches about 1:550,000 it only caches half the data and then above that level the caches are blank.  I get the following message in the Task status 

Drawing failure, error string = Failed to create an image cache tile for OSNI3BandOrthophotography at R68C98.Function Read Error [None]; Function Read Error [Mosaic Function]

I'm not sure if this issue is to do with the MaxPS (currently set at 800 on all the mosaics back through the hierarchy of raster mosaics) the number of Rasters it can process, should the HighPS, LowPS be the same for the whole mosaic or something else I've not considered

Currently using ArcGIS Pro 3.3 and ArcGIS Server 11.3

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