Original User: antesen
Thank you for the response.
Here are the things that i did and the responses that i get.
Disable background geoprocessing option, to do this navigate to ArcMap main menu Geoprocessing > Geoprocessing Options > uncheck 'Enable' option under Background Processing. Hit ok
I Have done this as a result the system exits in the process. I mean no warnings no errors just nothing and then exits. Closes itself.
Also, make sure you have prepared your rasters accordingly, you have to prepare the source rasters as per the help document,
I have inspected the document and my dataset has all the required properties to carry out the color balance process.done
- For my dataset I have used the "Build Pyramids and Statistics" tool to carry out that property.done
- I know that "Building the Statistics" does that it creates the histograms for all necessary images. done
- I had two, 3 band images in a 4 band imagery dataset i deleted them and replaced with the four band ones. done
- They are all in the same pixel value - 8 bit unsigned. done
- I didn't understand what associated color map means. Can you specify a little-bit, what can be counted as an associated color map? (Overviews?, Vector Tiles? , ext. )
I have reset the Mosaic Dataset, but unfortunately the problem still occurs as described above.
Thank you for the response waiting for another one.