im using arcgis online and arcmap 10.2.1
i have a polygone feature service online and i made a local copy (that gave my the layer, the attachment table and the sync file beween the both) so i can make DDP based maps/
each feature has a .jpg attachment that i'd like to put on my DPP/
how do i do it???
Hi Yoav,
I also needed this capability and discovered how to do this. I'm using 10.2.1, so I don't know if it works with previous versions.
You must insert a picture into the layout via "Insert - Picture". I had to insert an actual picture as a placeholder.
Then right-click on the Picture and open the Properties. In the "Picture" tab, change the radio box to "Attachment from Data Driven Pages". The Name filter isn't necessary unless you want to set a wildcard. More info here: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.2/index.html#//00s900000022000000
Now the placeholder picture should be automatically replaced with the attachment. Obviously this only works with images, not videos or other documents.