I'm trying to work with the 2016 esri_dm authored zip code file zip_poly located here:
I'd like to subset this file to the 48 states plus DC, and, join an excel table that contains information about the zip codes. The information is a categorical variable indicating 184 unique "catchment" areas that are defined in terms of sets of zip codes.
I am using ArcMap 10.5 on Windows 7 professional, and also ArcGIS Pro ... in both programs, if I join the excel file to the zip_poly layer, the attribute table indicates there are 30+k records. If I try to export the join so that I can create a hosted feature layer on ArcGIS Online, it exports only 11,000 records (the bottom southeast quandrant of the US plus Alaska & Hawaii). I thought it might be something with my Excel file, but I see nothing around record 11,000 different from any of the other records. So I tried to make a copy of the original zip_poly file prior to the join, using the Data Management Tool - Copy Features on the zip_poly file. That too results in only 11,000 records being copied.
Any tips/advice/experience using this file for zip codes or thoughts about why only 11k records would be saved would be greatly appreciated!
A couple of options, the first not being optional: Use the Excel to Table tool and convert your spreadsheet into a geodatabase table. (You'll thank me later.)
Whittle down your zip code data to just the states and DC. Perform a relate between the whittled down zips and your new table. Select all the zips and then select the realated records in your table. Save those records off to another table.
You now have a zip codes of just your area of interest and the data associated with just them. It may be that you have a one to many relationship: that is one zip record to many extra table records. If that's the case, a relate is a good option. A join in that direction will only join the one zip record with the 'first' record to to join to. You could join your many table records to your zip data, export that out as it's own table and then join that back to zip data (one zip record to one zip record). That will be a little messy, as you'll want to turn off a bunch of fields, but do-able....
Many thanks for the thoughtful/helpful suggestions! I finally figured
out that I needed to increase the max # of unique values under the
raster dataset options (or auto commit in ArcGIS Pro) to get past the
11,000 record limitation.
Oops. My bad; I didn't follow the rest end link you provided and went straight for the hack 'em and whack 'em solution. Glad you got it figured out none the less!