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Synchronize StoryMaps and Hub

02-08-2023 12:55 PM
Emerging Contributor


I'm noticing a lack of synchronization between updates I published in my StoryMap and viewing the StoryMap through Hub. The Hub is using a Gallery module to link to a StoryMaps that are manually added to the Gallery module.

This issue was noticed by a reviewer in my organization. I want to make sure that updates made in StoryMaps are reflecting when accessed via the Hub. I had a typo that listed "significantly significant" and updated it to correctly say "statistically significant".

View from Hub


Direct view from StoryMaps


I should mention that I refreshed after a few hours and it had updated. I would still like to understand what might be causing the delay so I can account for the issue when sharing with partners/public. This was all in the latest version of Chrome.

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