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Phantom Document Link Record

02-16-2018 07:42 AM
Deactivated User

Previously I've created a document link item to a zipped File Geodatabase.  This item has since been unshared with the Open Data Group, is no longer showing up in the Admin Data listing, but is still showing up as a searchable item on my organization's open data site.  How do I remove it?

I don't have an item ID or URL to the record, as it is a document link.  I've attached screenshots to identify the record in question.  open data pages‌ opendata‌ project open data‌ ArcGIS Open Data community ‌

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3 Replies
MVP Emeritus

I don't know if this will help or not, but I did the query as shown in your first link, was able to see the description snippet, as you show, and was able to download the .zip file.  (would have been 178 mb....I cancelled before download completed)

You may you need to see if the .zip file is loaded and shared.

edit...blocked part of the url, in case it is not supposed to be fully public, but this was the path that is was showing for the download.

https://ocean.<hidden for your privacy>.org/IntegratedReefMap/ 

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Deactivated User

Hi Rebecca

Thanks for your reply, but I don't think you understand what I was intending to ask.  Maybe I didn't explain my problem well enough.

Basically, the item that is found by a search on my open data page should not be available at all.  it is an orphaned record, and does not have an ArcGIS online item connected to it.  When I do share an ArcGIS online item to my Open Data site for an updated version of that dataset, I get two records.  The one previously shared that is an orphaned record, and the new version of the data. 

I'd like to delete the orphaned record to avoid confusing my customers.

Thanks again for looking into this,


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MVP Emeritus

Sorry, I don't know how to get rid of phantom items, so I'll back off, but just in case, I'll mention this...what if you uncheck "Belongs to my Organization"?  Again, my link and download came from a different URL than   fwiw.

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