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number issue in JSON chart tooltip/balloontext

11-27-2020 07:19 PM
New Contributor

Can any one help to answer two questions? 1) how to configure the number format for value in tooltip? 2) is there a way to convert value on the fly without change its self in data?

I am using JSON chart in Hub.I tested code using

the value of outStatisticFieldName "MAX_MAX_De_sum" from the query, I want to make sure

  1. its display format to be "#,###.00" in tooltip.
  2. do convert and show new calculated value of "MAX_MAX_De_sum/60".
    I tried the alternative way as suggested by someone here by applying "Cast(MAX_MAX_De as decimal(10,2)) to the "onStatisticField". it works if when using "orderByFields": "FIRST_Str", but always return unknown error (also shows "MAX_MAX_De_sum " is not valid parameter) when using "orderByFields": "MAX_MAX_De_sum DESC"

really appreciated for your help

"type": "bar-horizontal",
"numberFormat":{"decimalSeparator":".", "thousandsSeparator":",", "precision":-1}

"datasets": [
"name": "dataset1",
"query": {
"where": "FIRST_Stre <>' ' and FIRST_Stre <> 'Hwy 7'",
"orderByFields": "MAX_MAX_De_sum DESC",
"groupByFieldsForStatistics": "FIRST_Stre",
"having": "SUM(MAX_MAX_De)>24",
"outStatistics": [
"statisticType": "sum",
"onStatisticField": "MAX_MAX_De",
"outStatisticFieldName": "MAX_MAX_De_sum"
"url": ""
"series": [
"source": "dataset1",
"category": {
"field": "FIRST_Stre",
"label": "Highway"
"value": {
"field": "cast(MAX_MAX_De_sum as decimal(10,2))",
"label": "Delay (in sec)"
"style": {
"colors": [
"overrides": {
"graphs": [{
"valueField" : "MAX_MAX_De_sum",
"balloonText": "[[MAX_MAX_De_sum]]",
"numberFormatter":{"decimalSeparator":".", "thousandsSeparator":",", "precision":2,"numberFormat": "#,###.00"}

"valueAxes": [{
"title": "Elevation (feets)",
"numberFormatter": {
"numberFormat": "#,###.00"
"numberFormatter": {
"numberFormat": "#,###.00"


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