I created 17 hub pages for my Open Data site and they have gone missing. I can see them in ArcGIS Online as items (Hub Pages) but when I go to Hub Admin I can only see 3 of the 17 hub pages now. I can still see the missing hub pages I created in edit mode but when I view the page I get a 404 error. I have attached some screenshots to illustrate.
Will they appear or will I have to recreate them. Trouble is the names of the pages i.e. the URLs are now taken by the missing pages and I can't reuse the names for the URLs. Any assistance from Hub Admin team gratefully received
ONS Geography
Hi Matt,
I'm sorry you had this problem. Unfortunately it's due to having an older version of your site (without the pages) in an old browser tab and hitting save. The site loses knowledge of the pages but the items still exist.
A few more details: Usually what we see with this issue is the browser tab where you made the pages is different from another browser tab where you were editing the site. You probably created the pages then switched browser tabs and saved the site. The pages still exist but the site has no knowledge of them. The best way to fight against this is to always refresh when switching browser tabs or just stick to a single tab.
In the long run w're working to solve this concurrency issue more broadly but we need to have a better answer for communicating item updates to connected apps more broadly (so a change in one tab shows up in another and conflicts between the changes are handled elegantly)
In the short run, the good news is this issue is very fixable. You can either...
Please let us know if there are any other questions
Hi Graham,
Thanks for the prompt reply. I'm in the UK so would it be easier to give the item ids here, rather that going through UK support. How long would it take for support to manually un-orphan the pages. If you could give me a rough estimate I can then decide which option to take.
I'd be happy to help you out. Can you email me directly so I can walk you through it? ghudgins@esri.com
I'll send you an email Graham