Hello could tell me someone with example what can I do for import data on latitude and longitude on arcgis because I have problem on import
And I am not sure where is this problem
Can you explain in what format the data is (for instance a text file, Excel, Database, etc) and what range the values have (lat and lon), what are they should be located and what the exact error is (or what kind of problem you ran into)?
Use the Excel to Table tool in ArcGIS PRo or ArcMap if my suggestion didn't work
And in addition to what Dan is saying, check the content (values of the lat and long fields) of the table after the conversion and before using XY events to create the point features.
ArcGIS Pro?
Add x,y coordinate data as a layer—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop
there is an equivalent in the help files for ArcMap