...besides ArcGIS Open Data Help | ArcGIS is there any other resources available?
Hi C,
That is our current documentation. We are publishing an updated version next week with some added topics. Is there anything in particular you would like to see?
Thanks for the fast reply.
In general, more details. I have found a lot of the documentation for 'online' products such as AGO and Open Data are pretty sparse in details, especially compared to 'traditional' ArcGIS products in general.
Today, I was trying to look at why downloads may not work, it is because a site is in private mode until its tested? In actuality I don't know now because it seems one time download worked in both modes, and other times I have an error. So, anything that your data has to 'have' that would make it download reliably?
limitations on using open data....no domains, etc.
where in your data do you need to document/ provide descriptions so your data items do not say 'no description has been provided'
Things that would be nice to know up front so you don't have to use trial and error. It would save a lot of support calls that get routed to the wrong team and posts like this. thanks for the consideration
Thank you for the feedback! We can definitely incorporate that.
Regarding downloads, we've had some issues over the past day. The team is fixing them.