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Editing feature classes

11-20-2015 03:35 PM
Deactivated User


I have a question about editing feature classes and shapefiles. I am working on an assignment, and I have a map document and a file geodatabase where I have a few feature classes saved which all relate to the project.  I have been dragging and dropping the feature classes into the map and doing edits like changing the colour and size of the symbols, as well as creating labels, etc. Then I click on file - save to save these changes.

However I find if I remove these feature classes from the map, and then drag and drop them back in later, my previous edits and symbol changes have  not been saved.

How do I ensure that all my editing is in fact being saved? Obviously I am doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance


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Symbology like color and size isn't saved with the data in the geodatabase its saved with the map (mxd). If you want to save symbology outside of the map look into using layer (.lyr) files.