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Dataset Updating

02-17-2017 08:49 AM
New Contributor II

I've updated some of the datasets on our Open Data website and it looks like the page itself is showing the correct data (e.g. Correct # of rows within the new data, the Data tab show the correct Attribute Table info); however, when you downloads the data, or look at the "Location density of n features", it seems to be grabbing the old data.

I've tried updating the Index and "Reset Dataset and Downloads" for the data on the Admin page, but this doesn't seem to fix it.

Any ideas?

One of the datasets where this is seen is: Business Sites

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13 Replies
New Contributor II

Sounds good Daniel and thanks, download numbers for Roads and Address look good now. I appreciate the help and the incredibly fast replies.

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Occasional Contributor III

There's a flaw in our refresh logic. We'll get that fixed up. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Occasional Contributor III

This bug has been patched in production. Sorry about the inconvenience!

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New Contributor II

Great, thanks Dan.

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