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ArcMap (MXD) to CAD (DWG/DXF)

12-15-2017 10:01 AM
Regular Contributor

I am trying to convert MXD document with legend to DWG/DXF. I have prepared the template file containing block and used  tools "add Cad fields" and "Export to cad" using python reading domain coded values . I have to convert the layout (legend, scale-bar and North arrow) also to CAD. I have done some research and found the way is to convert the layout to pdf and then use some convertors pdf to dxf. Is there any other method?

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

normally one converts featureclasses to cad... particularly if you want a useable layer in cad and not just something like a picture

Regular Contributor

I am facing another problem while converting polygon with fill to cad.i have added cad fields and colors but it is not showing.something related to polyline and polygon in cad.I have also checked my polygons are closed.

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