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Record count on Download page should reflect all records in feature service, not default settings.

4 weeks ago
Status: Open
Labels (2)
New Contributor II

When a hosted feature layer is filtered by default, the record count on the Hub downloads page reflects the number of filtered records in the default view, not the complete number of records in the hosted feature layer. 


Layer in ArcGIS Online with 379 features:

A filter has been applied by default to only show records with Geography Type = Incorporated City or Unincorporated Los Angeles County. This brings the record count to 210 features in the default view.

Here is the layer in ArcGIS Hub:

The Download Options pane says "Records: 210". However, if you download the data without toggling filters on, you get the complete dataset with 379 records. 

If you toggle filters on, the record count says "Records: (Filtered) 210" and your downloads have 210 records.

In this example, I think changing the record count to say 379 is a better user experience, because it reflects what the user will get when they download the data.