Adding capability to download layers/data with related tables from ArcGIS Hub

08-03-2023 10:06 AM
Status: Open
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Esri Contributor

I have searched the Ideas Hub and existing documentation without was wondering if the option/capability will ever exist in ArcGIS Hub to allow users to download layers with related tables? Has this been considered previously? Have other users been asked about this potential capability? 

The source of the request is that a customer is having issues downloading a layer. Basically, the data are lease polygons, but these go back several years, and are updated on a monthly basis.  Because there appears to be no support for related information in Hub, the polygons representing each lease area are duplicated so you have hundreds of concurrent polygons per lease.  So the size of the dataset is ridiculously large on download at present without this capability.

Would love to hear people's thoughts and if a solution would be possible.


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Hi Dave,

We've had success with this by having the feature class with related table in the enterprise GDB, bringing in the feature class into ArcPro (related table comes along for the ride), and then publishing to AGO using 'Share as Web Layer'.  

Our situation may be simpler than yours, but as outlined above, the related table pops right in when viewing the hosted feature layer in ArcPro or within the Map Viewer. 

Regarding the Map Viewer, the classic viewer clearly shows the related information in the pop-up, so use that for testing.  The new viewer requires some gymnastics to get the related info to show, much simpler before, but not obvious, and I don't recall off the top of my head, a property I believe.

Regards, Bob