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Add Accordian/Tab Card to Layout for Pages

11-02-2023 01:44 PM
Status: Open
Labels (3)
Occasional Contributor III

The scrolling natures of Pages can be a bit much sometimes. It'd be nice if a page could incorporate some more organization - built in navigational headers/tabs... within a page. I end up usually adding a story map collection or an experience builder app with pages and buttons or an instant app, just to add in some sort of "tab" feature to prevent users from having to endlessly scroll. I like to avoid having users move to a whole new page, but also give them an option choose what they want to see - and to sort of see the whole picture of the page without having to scroll. 

The accordian feature with in Text box kinda is like what I'm saying, but is limited to the Text card and requires a bit of HTML to really do anything. 

I'm suggesting an Accordian Card - that allows me to create tabs (either vertical or horizontal) - which would occupy a whole row.  In the side panel maybe there would be a plus button to control how many tabs are there, what their name is. Set whether it is collapsed or expanded by default. On each tab I could drag in other content types - like text, image, gallery, video....

Then users don't have to scroll down to find a gallery, or a video, or some text - there a little bit of organization in the page then. Here's an example of some html in the Text card a coworker implemented to try and accomplish that goal. It was a lot of work to do that, and is hard to update - so an "Accordian Card" would be a great solution and have a wide usage I think. I also hate finding a hub page that has so much on one page and the only way is to scroll scroll scroll. 
