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Data for the Grow your Local Economy and Increase Community Pride Templates in ArcGIS Hub

02-01-2021 04:06 PM
Esri Contributor
2 1 1,472

ArcGIS Hub includes templates, a way for you to activate pre-designed applications, sites, surveys, and more.

If you want to configure the Economic Development Explorer from the Grow your Local Economy template or the Community Pride App from the Increasing Community Pride template, you can configure items with your own data or data from Esri Living Atlas.
For the Economic Development Explorer

This interactive application allows people to learn more about business and growth opportunities in your community.

EconDevExplorer (1).png

The following Living Atlas data are recommended for configuring the explorer:

Who lives here Tapestry
Spending by IndustryRetailUSA Retail Goods Spending
  USA Retail Opportunity (2017 Data in 2020 Geography)
  USA Clothing/Accessory Store Market Opportunity (2017 Data in 2020 Geography)
 Food and BeverageUSA Organic Food Consumption
  USA Fruits and Vegetables Spending
  USA Alcoholic Beverage Spending
  USA Food Spending (Away from Home)
  USA Restaurant Spending
  USA Grocery Store Market Opportunity (2017 Data in 2020 Geography)
 HealthUSA Health Insurance Spending
 PersonalUSA Home Improvement Spending
  USA Pet Spending
  USA Child Care Spending
  USA Education Spending
Population Indicators USA Unemployment Rate
  USA Median Age
  USA Diversity Index
  USA Average Household Size
  USA Medical Insurance Coverage
  USA Median Home Value
  USA Median Household Income
  USA Median Disposable Income
  USA Per Capita Income
  5 year USA Population Growth
 LifestyleUSA Adults That Exercise Regularly
  USA Facebook Users
  USA Long Commute Time to Work
 SafetyUSA Property Crime
  USA Personal Crime
  USA Crime Index


You can also provide your own data to recreate other interactive portions of the application. Add these layers to the underlying Web Map, and then select those layers while configuring the Web Mapping Application.

Economic Development Explorer Optional Data

Zoning Dataset (Recommended):

  • Zoning District Name (Text)
  • Zoning District Description (Text)
  • Zoning District URL (Text) Zoning District Label (Text) 

Zoning (Special Purpose) (Recommended):

  •  Zoning (Downtown) (Recommended)
  •  Zoning (Residential) (Recommended)
  • Zoning (Mixed Use) (Recommended)


  • Bus Lines (Recommended)
  • Bus Stops  (Recommended)
  • Transit Stations (Recommended)
  • Regional Transit (Recommended)
  • Airports (Recommended)
  • Bike Trails (Recommended)
  • Bike Share Locations (Recommended)

Green Sites or Resources (Recommended):

  • Green Site Name (Text)
  • Green Site Address (Text)
  • Green Site Description (Text)
  • Green Site Phone (Text)
  • Green Site Email (Text)
  • Green Site URL (Text)

Railroad (Recommended): 

  • Railroad Owner (Text)

Agriculture (Recommended):

  • Name of Business (Text) Annual Sales Revenue (Number)
  • Number of Employees (Number)

Health Care and Social Assistance (recommended):

  • Name of Business (Text) Annual Sales Revenue (Number)
  • Number of Employees (Number)

Hotel and Motel (recommended):

  • Name of Business (Text)
  • Annual Sales Revenue (Number)
  • Number of Employees (Number)

Industrial and Manufacturing (recommended):

  • Name of Business (Text) Annual Sales Revenue (Number)
  • Number of Employees (Number)


For the Community Pride Application
The Community Pride application is similar to the Economic Development Explorer, but focuses more on demographic, housing, and lifestyle data to showcase what your community has to offer. 
Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 8.13.58 PM (1).png


The following Living Atlas data are Premium Content
Who lives here Tapesty
Population Indicators USA Unemployment Rate
  USA Median Age
  USA Diversity Index
  USA Average Household Size
  USA Medical Insurance Coverage
  USA Median Home Value
  USA Median Household Income
  USA Median Disposable Income
  USA Per Capita Income
  5 year USA Population Growth
 LifestyleUSA Adults That Exercise Regularly
  USA Facebook Users
  USA Long Commute Time to Work
 SafetyUSA Property Crime
  USA Personal Crime
  USA Crime Index


You can also provide your own data to recreate other interactive portions of the application. Add these layers to the underlying Web Map, and then select those layers while configuring the Web Mapping Application.

Community Pride App Optional Data

Open Buildings (residential)
  • Name of site
  • For rent/sale (binary)
  • Lease or Sale,
  • Sale price,
  • Rental price,
  • Available sq ft,
  • Site availability
Elementary, middle, high schools, colleges/universities
  • School name
  • Address
  • Total enrollment
  • URL
Parking lots
  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Owner name
  • Bus lines,
  • Bus stops
  • Transit stations
  • Regional transit
  • Airports
  • Bike trails
  • Bikeshare locations
  • Name
  • Address
Places of worship
  • Name
  • Address
  • Name
  • Address
Farmers Markets
  • Name
  • Address
  • URL
  • Contact

For more information on ArcGIS Hub templates, see the Template Gallery

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About the Author
Writer on the ArcGIS Hub team