Model Builder w Geostatistical Analyst creates different g. layers

05-23-2013 03:02 AM
New Contributor II
Hi, guys.
I need to make many geostatistical layers based on my point data, so I`ve decided to use Model Builder. But I get the result that is different compared to that I get by using Geostatistical Wizard. All model parameters, for sure, are the same (but cell values and error statistics differentiate). What is the case?
Radial Basis Function - layer based on Geostatistical Wizard
nt10_30_06 - layer made by Model Builder

You can even try it by yourself and see that two layers based on the same data and method parameters either build by Geostatistical Wizzard or by Interpolation Tool (but only in Model Builder, not as separate tool) from Geostatistical Analyst toolbox will be different.

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6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
are you using 10.1 and do you have Service Pack 1 installed (which fixes NIM079650)?
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New Contributor II
are you using 10.1 and do you have Service Pack 1 installed (which fixes NIM079650)?

Yes, I use ArcGis 10.1 SP1 for Desktop (build 3143).

NIM079650... Hm.. I see where might be a problem. But how to be 100% shure that NIM079650 was fixed by SP1 on my PC?
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Esri Regular Contributor
If you have SP1 installed then NIM079650 is fixed.

Open a new blank ArcMap and load only the point feature class and then...

Please do the following using the same dataset and field (and using the defaults):
1) create a GA layer using the Wizard
2) create a GA layer using the RBF tool in a model
3) create a GA layer using the the GP RBF tool

Right click, each of the GA layers, and choose Properties and then copy the dialog on the Method Summary tab.

Are they all the same?

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New Contributor II
Thanks, stevelynch
They were the same.
I eliminated the problem by using new Model Builder model with only RBF and Feature Iterator wthout any "%Name%", "%1%" etc. So now it works just fine! And the problem was in output names or smth like that.
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New Contributor
Don't know i need to create new topyc or not but i have similar question

Using c# i try to build IDW model and optimize power in it. Thats my code:
IGeoProcessor2 gp = new GeoProcessorClass();
                // Create an IVariantArray to hold the parameter values.
                IVariantArray parameters = new VarArrayClass();

                // Populate the variant array with parameter values.

                // Execute the tool.
                gp.Execute("IDW_ga", parameters, null);

                IVariantArray parameters2 = new VarArrayClass();
                gp.Execute("GASetModelParameter_ga", parameters2, null);

                IVariantArray parameters3 = new VarArrayClass();

                parameters3.Add("DrawPointsTest Value1");
                gp.Execute("GACreateGeostatisticalLayer_ga", parameters3, null);

                //save this for future
                IVariantArray parameters4 = new VarArrayClass();
                parameters4.Add("/model[@name = 'IDW']/value[@name = 'Power']");
                label11.Text = "Нове зна�?ення с�?епен�? пол�?нома �?�?вне "+ gp.Execute("GAGetModelParameter_ga", parameters4, null).ReturnValue.ToString();

But when i try to use Geostatistical Analyst Wisard in ArcMap and build IDW (and click "Optimize Power") for the same Point Map i get new Geostatistical layer which is not the same as i get from my code on c#. And Power Value is different in both cases.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Use the geoprocessing tools in ArcMap and look to see if any (or which) of the parameters are different.

I.e. repeat your c# steps in ArcMap or you can also, in C# after GACreateGeostatisticalLayer_ga, save the GA layer using the SaveToLayerFile tool and then look at the properties in ArcMap and find out which are different to the one created by you in the Wizard.

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