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Filter on Location for Incoming Tweets?

08-04-2013 06:13 PM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: jakc

I am using the latest Twitter connector for 10.2 and have it working fine when tracking keywords.
I would like to make use of the Locations field and enter a bounding box for a local region, but whenever I do, I get no incoming tweets.

I am using the bounding box for NY (as mentioned in the accompanying tutorial PDF), but when I then save this configuration, I get no incoming traffic (even after half hour) via the Monitor/TCP Console.  I have tried bumping the extent to a larger area, but still get no incoming traffic.

Have I done something wrong?


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12 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: mpilouk

We are working to address this issue. If you want to review the code, the source code project for both Twitter Adapter and Transport are on GitHub here:

Please note that the GeoEvent team is still working on getting all the necessary GEP SDK and dependencies published so it can be built on developer's machine.
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Esri Contributor
Getting the latest code should make the project buildable as the GeoEvent Processor SDK has been uploaded to Sonatype Maven Repository and the pom.xml files have been update to reference the public repo.

Let us know if you have issues building.

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: jakc

Thanks for the update.
Can you post back when this makes it into a new version thats available via downloads gallery please.
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Esri Contributor
The gallery points you to the GitHub project which has the latest source code.  You should be able to get the latest source code from the GitHub repository and have it build now.

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: jakc

Im not a Java guy, but steps look simple enough.  Wheres this GEP-SDK, I cant see it on the installation media?
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Esri Contributor

Reusing a reply from Hanoch from another thread:
The GEP SDK is included with the GEP 10.2 Final package file, and is extracted to the same location the installer files are extracted to.
For the Windows version it is the ' GeoEvent_Processor_for_Server_102_135749.exe' file, and the default extract folder is:

The '' file includes the library files, samples, javadoc api reference, and the Developer Guide doc.

The Developer Guide guides you through setting up a Java Development environment used to create GeoEvent Processor Components.

Earlier this week, the GeoEvent Processor SDK library was placed on a public maven repo, so the GitHub projects can build without any special handling of the jar file now.

Let us know how it goes.

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by Anonymous User
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Original User: jakc

Is the compiled build with this fix in it available on the connector gallery yet?
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Esri Regular Contributor
Hey Simon -

The latest Twitter" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> Connector on the Product" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">]Product Gallery should match the latest twitter-for-geoevent source in the GitHub" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">]GitHub repo.

When we went to present Twitter at the DevSummit (March 2014) we had a problem sending tweets. This was addressed by rebuilding the latest from GitHub and updating the offering on the product gallery. I think Cris pulled the offering from the Gallery to verify this (refer to thread Twitter" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> connector, Gallery vs. Github version.

I had thought that the Twitter API specified that we could filter tweets for specified hash-tags or a bounding box ... but Morakot corrected me and indicated that, per the Twitter Dev Website, the bounding box doesn't act as a filter ... it provides spatial context, so you should get the union of tweets filtered-by-hashtag and all tweets within the specified bounding box. If this is not what you are seeing, please let us know.

You might consider using the Twitter adapter to filter for �??interesting�?� tweets by hash tag, but use GeoEvent Processor GeoFences to provide the spatial restriction by configuring a filter in a GeoEvent Service which discards any event not inside the GeoFence. I think you will find this approach more flexible as you don't have to reconfigure an input to change or update your area of interest ... you can instead synchronize the GeoFence(s) in GEP with a dynamic feature service.

Please let us know how this is working for you...

- RJ
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: jakc

Thanks RJ for the quick response

I was hoping that the bounding box would filter the incoming twitter stream and thus provide me with ALL geolocated tweets within a certain area as I want to hear everything, and not specific hashtags.

Doing the spatial filtering within GEP works great, but the twitter streaming API is not going to provide me with ALL the tweets within my area as I believe this is something where you need access to the firehose API?  i.e. By requesting from Twitter with a filter of a bounding box with the input connector, then I should get the full range of tweets as its only asking the Streaming API for tweets within a defined area as opposed to the entire stream.

From looking at the Streaming API for filtering, I read it to state that  "If the coordinates field is populated, the values there will be tested against the bounding box."  I also know from using python/tweepy with the Twitter Streaming API, I can request for a stream of tweets filtered to a bounding box.

Therefore, I would assume that leaving the track/follow fields empty in the input connector, but supplying a bounding box in locations, I would expect it to pull ALL tweets just within that bounding box? 

This is not a priority for me, but just having some fun with GEP and my end goal is to try and mine tweets for a given area regardless of hashtags.
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