Sometimes a log message appears at the ERROR level that you temporarily/permanently need to turn off. However, the GeoEvent User Interface doesn’t allow you to turn logs off. To get around this, you can do it using the GeoEvent Configuration Files.
1. In GeoEvent Manager, set the log level on the logger you want to eliminate to ERROR. Repeat for each logger. Some examples of loggers that you may decide to turn off.
Logger: com.esri.ges.httpclient.Http
Logger: com.esri.ges.fabric.internal.ZKPersistenceUtility
2. On the GeoEvent machine, edit the following logging configuration file (NOTE: On Windows you will need to run the editor as Administrator)
<GeoEvent Install>\etc\org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg
3. For each of the logger names above (from Step 1):
a. Search for the logger name string from above, you should find a .name record like the following: = com.esri.ges.httpclient.Http
b. Change the .level record for that logger .name record to be OFF = com.esri.ges.httpclient.Http
log4j2.logger.com_esri_ges_httpclient_http.level = OFF
4. Save your changes and close the .cfg file.
5. Restart GeoEvent to be sure it picks up the new logger settings.