ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server Blog

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(7 Posts)
Esri Contributor

By popular demand we have published a blog post outlining a workflow to create track heat maps using GeoAnalytics Desktop tools in ArcGIS Pro. Check out the blog and try the workflow for yourself using the provided sample script and data, here: Track Heat Mapping with GeoAnalytics Desktop tools 

Spoiler alert! Here's a quick GIF from the blog that demonstrates how effective the workflow is in visualizing and uncovering patterns in track datasets:


I'm excited to hear any feedback about this workflow and if it was able to help you complete your track analysis workflows.


Bethany Scott

Product Engineer, GeoAnalytics team

0 0 1,028
Esri Contributor

As part of the 10.6.1 release, we've published a blog post outlining how to create layers that aggregate large data sets at different zoom levels. You can check out the blog post here: Visualize aggregated data in ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server 10.6.1.

The blog contains a link to a sample notebook that you can modify to use with your own GeoAnalytics Server, as well as instructions on how to run this through REST. This functionality exposes capabilities of the spatiotemporal big data store that is also used with GeoEvent Server. 

I'm excited to hear any feedback or any further requests! To see what else we added at 10.6.1 (spoiler: new tools and big data file share inputs) see What's new in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1—ArcGIS Enterprise | ArcGIS Enterprise.

Happy Aggregating!

Sarah Ambrose

Product Engineer, GeoAnalytics Team

Real-Time & Big Data GISBig DataWhat's New in ArcGISArcGIS Enterprise

0 2 961
Esri Contributor

As a new member of the ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server team, I'm excited to introduce to you our "What's New in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 blog"!

GeoAnalytics has three new distributed processing tools - learn how to leverage these to make the most out of your big data!

Check out the blog to learn more: What’s new in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6: Geocode Locations from Table in ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server | A... 

If you have any questions please comment here, or contact me directly at

0 0 636
New Contributor III

Many of you may have across following errors while setting up ArcGIS Spatiotemporal Big Data Store:

  • None of the configured nodes are available: []
  • Server error code 500 (Failed to create the service 'Hosted/BDSserviceName.FeatureServer'. null)

Please make sure you have imported the SSL certificate from "https://portalMachine.domain.COM:7443/arcgis/sharing/community/self?” into GeoEvent's site via the ArcGIS Server Admin API.

Root Cause: "PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

This troubleshooting guide describes the general troubleshooting steps to fix the above errors. It also highlights:

  • ArcGIS Installation Order for Web GIS and Spatiotemporal Big Data Store
  • Ports used by Spatiotemporal Big Data Store
  • Under the hood process for Writing and reading from ArcGIS Spatiotemporal big data store
  • Verifying the Certificates used by the GeoEvent Extension
  • Verifying the connection to bds-server
  • Describedatastore.bat command
  • Unable to publish ArcGIS big data store Feature service and map service when Tile Cache data store is enabled.
  • Using a Single Machine Architecture
  • Enabling Different Data Stores on the Same Machine
  • Portal for ArcGIS Requirement in your Web GIS
  • Hosting Server Requirement in your Web GIS
  • Domain Requirement when Enabling Spatiotemporal Big Data Store
  • Directory Requirement when both Relational and Spatiotemporal Big Data Stores are on the Same Machine
  • Federation without ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS for Server.
  • Using IWA Credentials for Connection to Portal for ArcGIS from GeoEvent Manager
  • Updating the Hostname with the Internal IP address on Amazon/Azure Instances.
  • To Unregister the Spatiotemporal Big Data Store and Start Over

You can consider this guide as the answer to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for ArcGIS Spatiotemporal Big Data Store.

The troubleshooting Guide is bundled with the tutorial for Spatiotemporal Big Data Store & can be downloaded from the following location:

Feel free to post your comments, questions and valuable feedback here.

Hope this info helps.


Sagar Ayare | Product Engineer

Real-time GIS

2 0 4,178
Esri Contributor

The Big Data team has added a new tutorial for beginners wanting to try out the GIS Tools for Hadoop. It walks you through the steps of downloading and installing a virtual machine, installing the tools using GitHub, and points you to interesting samples and tutorials to try out.

This introductory tutorial is also outlined in a blog post​ on the Esri website.

Welcome to the wonderful world of big data!

Big DataGeodatabaseGeoprocessingDevelopersGIS

3 1 1,825
Esri Contributor

The Big Data team has created a new tutorial on aggregating your big data using GIS tools for Hadoop. You can read the blog post here.

Aggregation is a powerful technique for visualizing your big data, so be sure to check it out!!

0 5 2,088
New Contributor II

I am a GIS Technical Consultant and I am working for a GIS startup company.

What I expect from the community here is a work group in order to plan/execute the project successfully.

Please see the information about the project, below listed:

Project context:

- In order to develop the internal Enterprise GIS Platform, we would like to organize and set our data inventory and assessment and by the same time start implementing a data platform.

Project Objectives:

- Project Planning - Establish a roadmap an Enterprise GIS Database Server platform. (Create a Project Schedule/Plan)

- Project Execution - Implement the Enterprise GIS Database Server platform.

Business Requirements:

- Create and produce GIS Enterprise Geodatabase within a database server machine for a company.

- The multiple Enterprise geodatabases related to multiple clients/GIS utilities could be consumed via suitable tunnels internally and externally to the company.

System Requirements:

- Use a database management system (MS SQL Server or Oracle (Appreciated))

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