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Sync Geometry bug

05-29-2014 09:26 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
I am developing an app using ArcGIS for Windows Mobile Runtime.  We use the app we navigate to points on the map and I change some values in the feature the user navigates to (for example, I update a timestamp).  When we go out with a mobile cache everything works and updates as designed.  However when we sync it back in on the desktop all the geometries of any point edited end up being the same point.  It literally moves the points on the screen and stacks them to one of the edited points.

we have compared the data on the mobile device and the geometries are not changing until after the sync.

I don't know if this is a bug or we are doing something wrong?
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2 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Update... We find this only happens when syncing to a Personal Geodatabase.  Using a File Geodatabase works fine.  Our whole process requires the personal geodatabase at this time.  Any help out there?
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Have you found any solution for this problem?

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