photo attachments for 10

09-01-2010 08:24 AM
New Contributor
The what's new documents about talk about the ability of 10 to support photo attachments, however I can't find information on doing this either in code or just via the project center.
I've also seen a video showing it.
I'd like to get information on how to do this even in just the project center, any help appreciated.
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26 Replies
New Contributor
Hi Akhil,

Thanks for the information it is very useful, but I agree with previous posters, this information needs to be documented.  I've been working with Mobile since 9.3 and done a few major projects with it and am very comfortable and familiar with mobile development.
The documentation put out for things like the REST and web apis are FIRST RATE, everything is there, explained well, illustrated.  This is probably why in part they are so successful.

The problem with Mobile 10 is that it is a major departure from 9.3, from the project center, to the map cache changes to even just deploying mobile on devices.
Simply put the documentation is complete and utter garbage and as seen there is very little input/participation by ESRI members in this forum.

I have figured out most things but through trial and error and frustration.  This has caused me to for a major telecom client nix the idea of even using mobile 10, this consensus was followed up by developers on my team who feel the exact same way, they can't figure out how to do things and there's no documentation to support anything.  This lack of documentation is seriously impeding uptake of this product in my opinion.

Finding a developer summit video where someone mentions halfway through the video that you do photo streaming either via raster field or blob field with "picture_<fieldname>" is not documentation, it's garbage.  Seriously, I'm supposed to "guess" that if I name a blob field "picture_<fieldname>" the app will automagically know it's a picture!???

Also as for the 9.3.1 documentation regarding photos, then why is it in the "what's new" section I pointed out earlier "photo streaming" is listed, if that is the case then photo streaming was not available at 9.3.1 and thus the docs should not apply or be different?
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New Contributor III
Hi Akhil,
Finding a developer summit video where someone mentions halfway through the video that you do photo streaming either via raster field or blob field with "picture_<fieldname>" is not documentation, it's garbage.  Seriously, I'm supposed to "guess" that if I name a blob field "picture_<fieldname>" the app will automagically know it's a picture!???

LOL this is so true, but yes, I find that with ArcGIS Mobile 10 seems to be more like trial and error, and yes I also had to figure out the extent thing with the mxd and then setting a initial extent in Project Center.

I have not found documentation about either, nor was I able to quickly find this information, all my developement with 10 has been trial and error.

For some reason I feel like ESRI just makes us work extra hard to figure out such little things, it also appears they don't want to spoon feed us the answers? Even though some of these things are new features that we want to use, but just don't know how. :confused:
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Occasional Contributor
I am with you all about the dismal documentation. I love when you still see code samples that are obviously for using 9.3.1 and yes- even 9.2. Seriously needs to be updated.
But the mobile team just started a blog and have some sample projects. The Picasa one deals with photos. I have not tried it yet but plan to.
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New Contributor III
Thank you many of these items listed are things I definitely want to include!
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New Contributor
I also have an ArcGIS Mobile 10 application where I would like to attach more than one photograph.  I tried adding two blob fields, "Picture_1" and "Picture_2" to the geodatabase.  I can open up the ArcGIS Mobile 10 application and can browse for and add one photograph to each of the two blob fields, but the application crashes when I click the Finish button under Edit Attributes.  I did note that the size of the MobileCache folder increases considerably. it possible or not to add two or more photos?
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Occasional Contributor III
I thought I would tack a little more info onto this thread, since I was having similar issues.

Per my emails ESRI yesterday, apparently in in ArcGIS Mobile you cannot view  attachments created by right clicking on a feature class, clicking "Attachments" and then clicking  set and then saying "Create attachments" (via AC), in Version 10. (Side note: this is the only way to create attachments  that are viewable in the FlexViewer)  However, in version 10.1 these sort of attachments will be view-able using ArcGIS Mobile.  In 10.1 I am told to do this you will need to:

1. Create GlobalID for your feature class in the database
2. Enable attachment for the feature layer
3. Create GlobalID for attachment feature class (Not the relationship class but the attachment class that�??s associated with the feature class)

Hope this helps someone else,
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New Contributor III
So, until ArcGIS 10.1, what is ESRI's recomandation for viewing in a web application (developed in Flex/Silverlight/Javascript API) photos uploaded in the field using an ArcGIS Mobile application?
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Esri Contributor
So, until ArcGIS 10.1, what is ESRI's recomandation for viewing in a web application (developed in Flex/Silverlight/Javascript API) photos uploaded in the field using an ArcGIS Mobile application?

At 10, you can customize flex viewer to show photos taken with Windows Mobile application that are stored in raster field. If you need sample code feel free to let me know.
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New Contributor III
At 10, you can customize flex viewer to show photos taken with Windows Mobile application that are stored in raster field. If you need sample code feel free to let me know.

Thank you for your quick reply.
I am developing a C# Silverlight application in which I would like to view photos taken with a custom Windows Mobile application. The photos are stored in a raster field. I managed to build my own WCF service which serves to the Silverlight client photos stored in a blob field (in an Oracle geodatabase), but I'm having difficulties retrieving photos stored in a raster field (because of the way they are stored in the database). I prefer raster field because it can be managed also from ArcMap as opposed to blob fields.
So if you please provide me with the sample code to get the photos from the raster field and show them in the Silverlight client.

Thank you.
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New Contributor
At 10, you can customize flex viewer to show photos taken with Windows Mobile application that are stored in raster field. If you need sample code feel free to let me know.

Hi Jay,

I would love to know how you got around this using flex with ArcGIS mobile 10.  I am trying to view a raster field in flex.  Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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