Your welcome, I agree there needs to be a little more documentation on the new stuff that we as developers and consumers need.
Fortunately in this case adding a photo is quite a simple task, in which there's not much needed in terms of documentation.
I think I have figured out what Jay was trying to say in terms of the second option of creating a Photo field.
Once you imported a shapefile into the Geodatabase (making it a Featureclass) > add a new field > name it Picture_<something> > then the field type "Blob".
I have yet to try this, but hopefully it works for those who want to add more than one picture.
Trust me, I spend a good amount of time trying to deploy a mobile project without success, and all the readings and videos I have watched did not show, how this is done for ArcGIS Mobile 10.
PS: There is a video for deploying Out-of-the-box solutions for ArcGIS Mobile 9.3.1, but 10 is much different.