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Mobile Cache Data Not Pulled into Mobile Cache at 10.2.1

01-14-2014 08:29 AM
Frequent Contributor
Does anyone know what might cause the Create Mobile Cache 10.2 tool to only create the mobile cache schema and NOT pull the datafrom a 10.2.1 map after publishing as a 10.2.1 map and mobile service?

Esri, do you have a response?

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18 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Hi again all-
Sorry to answer my own reply, but after 9 days not a single user has encountered difficulties with the Create Mobile Cache tool at 10.2.1?  Everything works just fine in 10.2, no problems whatsoever no matter what the source data, be it file gdb, sde, versioned vs non-versioned data.  What I am discovering is that after checking all parameters from privliges and user accounts, gloabalIDs, editor tracking and more the tool will download data into the cache for some mxd's but not others--

Esri?  Anyone?
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Regular Contributor
Hi David,

I work in Tech Support and primarily handle Mobile incidents.  I haven't seen anything come in since 10.2.1 with regard to the caching tools not working.  Is this happening with all of your data?  Are you bringing in the mobile cache or service to the Project Center?
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Frequent Contributor
Hi Chris-

Thanks for the reply.  I apologize for the frustration.  I've since discovered that we may have some data issues as the 'Create Mobile Cache' tool is downloading the features at cache creation for some of my feature classes but not all. 

The tool works with one specific cache that I have created for the MPC, and does dowload the data to that cache from my 10.2.1 SDE.

For the two caches where the tool is failing, those are being consumed in a MobileSDK application, but that shouldn't make a difference.  At this time we have to check this data, (as it's not an mxd full-extent setting issue).  Thanks for the reply and I will post my findings later this week or so.  If I am unsuccessful there, I'll open up a support incident-
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New Contributor
I have a similar problem but with version 10.2.0.
I am using arcgis desktop 10.2 on my laptop and use the create mobile cache tool to get my data available for an arcgis mobiel project.
However in the arcgis mobile project I will see the fields of the operational layer, but no shapes are visible in the preview. I have no idea what to do and how to solve this problem. My arcgis mobile is  version
Can anybody help?
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Deactivated User

Hi Petra, were you ever able to resolve this particular issue? I'm having the same problem and can't figure out a resolution. Thanks!

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Deactivated User

There must be several reason anyway, for codebehind you should download data from service after you took schema file.
                // Create an instance of MobileCache, and set StoragePath 
                MobileCache mobileCache = new MobileCache();
                mobileCache.StoragePath = @"C:\GIS\Project\Mobil\db(Cache)\cache";
                if (mobileCache.CacheExists)
                MobileServiceConnection conn = new MobileServiceConnection();
                conn.Url = @"http://<server>/arcgis/rest/services/test3/MapServer/MobileServer";

                // Create Mobile Cache Schema

                // Open MobileCache

                // Use MobileCacheSyncAgent to download data from server 
                MobileCacheSyncAgent agent = new MobileCacheSyncAgent(mobileCache);
                agent.MapDocumentConnection = conn;
                // Load layers from MobileCache to Map control 
                //map1.Extent = mobileCache.FeatureSources[0].FullExtent;
            catch (Exception ex)

For Desktop version; I dont know the desktop reason why data is not inlcuded but may be a bug but you should re-install your arcmap to use create mobile cache tool properly... in once I also be faced with this problem...

One more thing is that care about spatial referansce with tile cache and mobile cache must be same, you probably know that issue...

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Deactivated User
I believe we are experiencing the same issue.  When creating a mobile cache in desktop 10.2.1  the schema is created but no data is load.

Additionally after upgrading the server from 10.2 to 10.2.1 all of the mobile services now appear empty. 

On both accounts we can load them (services and mobile cache) in the mobile project center and on a device but there is no content... just the schema.

I have contacted support but I'm still waiting to hear back.

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New Contributor
David and Petra,

Another test you can run is to open the cache directly with ArcGIS Mobile rather than making a project through the MPC.  If it works there, it could be a problem in the MPC.

Within arcgis mobile application I can only add projects. A cache is not a project, so I don't seen them and cannot add the cache directly to the arcgis mobile on my laptop.

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Frequent Contributor
Hello Esri et al:
We have discovered that the 10.2.1 Create Mobile Cache tool failures are related to the map extent for certain map projections such as HARN.  It would appear that there is something in the way the extent is read when using a HARN projection.  For example, when publishing an mxd in a HARN projection enabled and bringing that MobileService as an operational layer into the MPC the service will not display.  When zooming to the initial extent, all appears normal but still no display of data.  And the Cache tool continues to extract only schema as well.

However, when then setting the project extent in the MPC, the MPC will zoom down to a  5" square envelope.  It's as if the op layer were behaving as page space.  This got me thinking about the projection engine, which apparently has changed slightly at 10.2.1.  So, as a workaround, I brought my HARN projected layers back into a new mxd, changed the data frame projection to standard state plane and reset the full extent.  I then switched the data frame back to HARN, reset the full extent, published the service and wa-la. 

The op layer displays in the MPC, and the cache tool is able to dowload all data from the modified mxd.  So, I think the real issue lies in the way MPC and the Cache tools handle HARN (and perhaps other projections as well) as all of this was never a problem at 10.2

Thanks-- hope this helps others.

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