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SharePoint 2013 - Looking for assistance in linking non-geo data to Esri Maps for SharePoint 4 (Beta)

07-31-2014 07:16 AM
New Contributor



I am working with SharePoint 2013 and Esri Maps for SharePoint 4 Beta and while I have successfully added lists with geo-location data (both addresses and X/Ys) and in both the ArcGIS Map Web Part and the Esri Maps Web Part, I am running into a wall taking it to the next logical level of adding data layers.


Here is my simplified scenario, I have a custom list of Sites (three columns - Site Name, X and Y - about 55 items) and a custom list, Site Data, with several columns of data but it also has a Site Name column. In this scenario the Site Name is my primary key that will join the two data sets. It appears that since the Site Data list does not have any geographic information, it is not available to add to either type of map web part. I reread this document: Web Part communication—Esri Maps for SharePoint | ArcGIS but nothing is really happening. No errors but no data.


The Site Data list has thousands of items, with multiple items containing the same Site Name, just with different data. Hopefully that does not matter.


The end goal of this scenario is to create a Bubble Map, similar to this: Is this possible using the Esri Maps for SharePoint?


Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


John Randolph

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