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Esri Maps for MicroStrategy 1. 1 Released!

01-28-2014 07:45 AM
Esri Contributor
We are pleased to announce the release of Esri Maps for MicroStrategy 1.1.

This release of Esri Maps for MicroStrategy offers improvements and fixes in several areas such as the following:

  • Support for multiple maps in documents

  • Configure and interact with map-enabled reports

  • Print map-enabled reports and documents

  • Support for cross-tab datasets in a map

  • Metric selector support

  • Optimized layer rendering

  • Use additional datasets without adding them as secondary datasets

  • Improved data retrieval techniques

Visit the Esri Customer Care Portal to download and install Esri Maps for MicroStrategy 1.1.

For more information about Esri Maps for MicroStrategy, see the Esri Maps for MicroStrategy product documentation.

~The Esri Maps for MicroStrategy Team
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1 Reply
New Contributor
Is there a document that identifies the ESRI capabilities provided OOTB by Microstrategy (Analytics Enterprise 9.4.1), as well as the additional capabilities that are added by " Esri Maps for MicroStrategy"?  I'm struggling to find anything that does a good job of outlines this.
thank you-
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