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Display Mixed Content

04-15-2011 08:01 PM
New Contributor

I'm getting an error 'Display Mixed Content' when viewing my ArcGIS Map web part over an SSL connection. All basemaps are set to https, am I missing something?
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14 Replies
New Contributor
Is the layer you are adding also https? I get it when I point to a non SSL site when my host is SSL.
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New Contributor
Thanks for the reply. As of right now, all I'm pulling is the base map, I havent added a layer yet.
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Dave,

We experienced the same problem for a long time here.  It turns out that the solution is very simple.  In your Default.aspx page Microsoft puts an image link into the page just in case the user's client machine does not have Silverlight installed.  The user will see an image that says "Get Silverlight now"

The problem is that the image link looks like this:
<img src="" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style:none"/>

Which is a non-ssl link.  Thus you have an un-secure image trying to load on a secure page, and you will see the display mixed content message in Internet Explorer.

To fix the problem simple change the image link to https:
<img src="" alt="Get Microsoft Silverlight" style="border-style:none"/>

Hope that helps.  --Rick
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New Contributor
Hi Rick,

Spot on, thanks for the pointer, HOWEVER, how do I modify this file? I think it's part of the ArcGIS webpart...
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Dave, 

Sorry for the late reply.  My subscription to this thread does not appear to be working for me.  I just realized that I was talking about product ESRI SilverLight, not the Sharepoint webpart.  I really apologize for the confusion. 

But, my point is probably still valid.  To troubleshoot the problem I would suggest using a tool like Fiddler or Google Chrome developer tools.  These tools will allow you to see all the network activity for every post.  In the logs you will probably see SharePoint trying to GET an image from an HTTP url, instead of HTTPS.  If you can fix that url so that it is HTTPS, I believe your problem will be fixed.

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New Contributor
Anyone else have this issue?
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New Contributor
We have SSL turned on and we have modified all the links in the lists to point to https.  We have also modified the DefaultConfiguration.xml in the ArcGIS Mapping Configuration Files library.

We are still getting the mix mode message. From Fiddler, I see a request going to"ArcGIS%20Online%20Basemaps"%20AND%20owner:esri&sortField=title&f=json&num=12&tickCount=4578613


the trace also states that the link was referred by

Appears to be coming from the Silverlight application.

Does ESRI have a recommended fix for this?
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New Contributor
lfarho99, I am seeing the same thing. Did you ever find a solution?
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Occasional Contributor
lfarho99, I am seeing the same thing. Did you ever find a solution?

Hi Will,

the only way I have found to get the message to disappear is to change the Internet Explorer options (see attached screen shots).  Go to the Security tab and select the Local Intranet zone and click the "Custom Level..." button.  Find the "Display Mixed Content" section and change it from "Prompt" to "Enable."

However, this is an unacceptable option if your security policies won't allow it. or if you have a large group of end users and it would be nearly impossible to tell everyone to make these changes for their own browsers.
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