While adding any data, i am not getting any list of Location Types. When i checked, i found the below url is not giving any repsonse.
I am getting attached error.
I tried updating proxy.config file, by setting mustMatch = true and adding tag <serverUrl url="http://la.arcgis.com"/>. However, it did not help.
Could you please let me know what is UpStreamProxy and how to use it.
Thanks & Regards,
Vara Prasad.
Hi Vara,
The upstream proxy provides you with the ability of granting access to external data from your MicroStrategy webserver, which may be behind a firewall, by using a the URL of an external proxy server and a port configured to allow access from this server to content that may not be directly accessible from your MicroStrategy Web server. For V1.1 follow this link on more information on using the upstream proxy settings. Configure an upstream proxy—Esri Maps for MicroStrategy (v1.1 Archive) | Location Analytics
I would also encourage you to try the new release of Esri Maps for MicroStrategy V2.0, We have fixed some issues related to the proxy.jsp and have improved the documentation on using the proxy, and troubleshooting issues with the proxy. Esri Maps for MicroStrategy | Location Analytics