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Welcome to the ArcGIS Maps for Power BI group – Let’s get started!

06-08-2017 03:01 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
1 10 2,207

Welcome and thanks for joining ArcGIS Maps for Power BI on GeoNet! To get started we invite you to first review the group features on the overview page and familiarize yourself with the group info, admins and GeoNet 101 information in the left column.


As you explore the group, you’ll also find tools to connect and collaborate so we encourage you to use them to share files, create blogs, ask/answer questions and read the latest blogs posts and join discussions.


Next, we’d like to get to know you, so we invite you to post a comment below to say “hello" and introduce yourself. If you'd like to share a cool report you’ve made with the ArcGIS Maps visual, we love seeing what people are up to!  


We’re excited to connect and collaborate with you and we look forward to seeing your contributions.

Occasional Contributor

Hi Scott (and everyone else).  I am a long-time ArcGIS user and recent PowerBI user.  I have been following the development of the esri PowerBI visual since last fall and am glad to see it released into GA.  I was just in Seattle this week to see your session at the Data Insights conference.  Again, very excited to see esri maps in PowerBI.  Of course, I have some feature requests that I will post in the Ideas section

I am currently working as a Data Scientist at an architecture firm.  I have a lot of experience working with data and business intelligence tools.  I started my career as an urban planner, and acquired my familiarity with esri and ArcMap from there.  I am currently working with sensor data and indoor positioning.


Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Peter, welcome! Glad you found your way to our community site - and thanks for introducing yourself. I'm glad to hear you're excited about Esri maps in Power BI - we are too! I look forward to seeing your ideas about how we can improve the visual. Sounds like you have a great set of skills in this space. Would you be interested in allowing us to contact you from time to time to bounce ideas off of you?

Occasional Contributor

Hi Scott,  yes you can absolutely reach out to discuss ideas.  I am very willing to help test functionality and give feedback, offer suggestions, etc.

Occasional Contributor

Scott, I've been using Power BI, and i see a lot of power with it.  Do you know if we can use custom geometry in the arcgis add on.  What I want to do is bring in data from our AMANDA (CSDC) system, which keeps track of planning applications, and show them spatially by the parcel.  The reaso why we can't use the address, is because some of the planning applications won't have an address yet, but we would have a parcel ID that we can associate them to.

Do you know if we can use custom geometry.



Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Frank - unfortunately we do not support custom geometry at this time. It is one of the number one requests I'm hearing, though, so we will absolutely be evaluating it for inclusion in the product roadmap.

Regular Contributor

Hi Scott. I've been using Power BI for over a year and AGOL for several years. I see lots of potential with integration between the two. Do you have any idea when the tool will receive any updates and any hints at the roadmap? Top of our desires are to be able to use non publicly shared features (restricted to a group), query tabular data from AGOL features in Power BI, and over lay more than one layer from AGOL.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Yoav - thanks for checking out the visual, and I'm glad you're seeing the potential in using ArcGIS content and resources inside Power BI. We think there's a lot of potential there too! 

Unfortunately I can't comment on the roadmap. The things you are asking for are fairly common requests that we are hearing, and we are evaluating those requests continually. With regard to timing of updates - we provide new builds to Microsoft nearly every month, so the visual updates itself pretty often. In the past few months we've rolled out pins, drive times, and infographic cards via these monthly updates. 

We certainly have more planned, so keep an eye on this Geonet site to see when we announce new features. 

New Member

Hello Scott,

I'm an operations research analyst and I'm new to Power BI and ArcGIS. I wanted to know what would be the appropriate license necessary in order for Power BI and ArcGIS to communicate. I currently have Desktop 10.5 and wanted to know is this license sufficient or do I need to upgrade to Pro?

Thank you,


Esri Regular Contributor

Hey Carlos - 

It really depends on what you want to do with the ArcGIS map visual. It comes with Power BI for free and gives an impressive amount of capability for free out of the box. If you want to access/use/share private GIS content from your ArcGIS  organization into Power BI, you'll need an ArcGIS named user license to do so. Because you are already an ArcGIS user I didn't mention our Plus subscriptions, because I think your needs will be best served by an ArcGIS named user license - which includes all the capabilities in a Plus subscription. If you want to review the different license options and the capabilities within, take a look here: ArcGIS Maps for Microsoft Power BI | Get Started 

Emerging Contributor

Hi Scott, I've been using Power BI desktop for a year now and am an ArcGIS/ARGOL user as well. I do use your mapping tools within the desktop version locally and find them excellent, but get an error message when I try to publish maps out to the web "For embedded visuals ArcGIS for maps is not currently supported". I've looked at the help on this and it seems to just say it can't be published. As publishing our data out to our partners and citizens is crucial to my role and the main reason we use PowerBI, do you know when/whether ESRI are planning to allow maps created in desktop to be published? I don't appear to have this issue with other widgets in Power BI.

About the Author
Scott is a product manager working to make the power of geography accessible to everyone. He works on the ArcGIS Online team and works closely with the Public Safety team.