I currently have an automated flow where a Survey123 updates rows in an excel table and then an email is sent out with the updated information from the survey. My issue is that I can't think of a way to update the feature class when someone updates a cell within the excel table.
Is it possible to have it both ways, updating the excel table from the survey and/or being able to update the feature class from changes made to the excel table? And I also have very limited power automate knowledge, but I'm trying my best!
This is my flow..
Hey @JessMiller1
You may find some luck with this document here, I have used this previously and it has worked pretty well for me, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/connectors/arcgis/#update-a-record-in-a-feature-layer
Here is the main documentation page for ArcGIS and Power Automate, I've recently been involved in a pretty heavy project with Power Automate, so I will gladly help if I can!
I apologize I never thanked you for the reply! I appreciate your assistance with the documentation, but unfortunately they are no help for my specific issue. I'm looking for a way to update a feature class based on a change in an excel table. The excel is a part of my flow Survey123->Add Row in Excel -> Email. But I want the user to be able to update the row/cell in excel and it will update the feature class. Any other ideas?
Hey @JessMiller1
No worries at all, I'm sorry my original information didn't end up helping. I found this here though, which provides some insight on using Survey123 responses: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-rest-apis-and-services-questions/changing-hosted-feature-layers...
In terms of a user updating an Excel row, there does not seem to be support to check if that occurs. What is possible though would be to have a scheduled flow to run at a set amount of time, which then checks the Excel sheet for updated information, and adds that to a class. In order to send these edits to a feature class, you would need to follow the link above to send POST requests out after retrieving a token. This is a quite advanced flow, but I believe it is possible, I have not set something up that is this involved, but I am sure that I can help in any way!
Hope this helps!