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Update Feature Layer When Survey Response Comes In

01-25-2024 09:29 AM
Occasional Contributor

I'm using Survey123 to create an application for our Adopt A Trail program (, and I'd like a trail segment feature to be marked as Pending when an application/survey response comes in it.

I already have a flow set up to send an email when an application is submitted, so I'm wondering if there's a good way to do this in Power Automate as well? It looks like the "Update a record in a feature layer" action might be what I'm looking for, but I can't seem to find documentation on how to configure it correctly.

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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Did you ever have any luck figuring this out? I'm trying to do the same thing. I have a field that I want to update as either "Energized" or "De-Energized" but can't figure out how to send the string to the field.

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Frequent Contributor

This is what works for me, using 'Update a record in a feature layer' action:

1. under 'Layer In'  - Specify you layer location (My Content)

2. under 'Feature Layer' - Select the layer you wish to update

3. under 'unique ID Field' - Specify unique id field (in my case its globalID), it could be a different field in your case

4. under 'GlobalID' - Specify GlobalID field (its required, you data must have globalID field)

5. under 'Advance Parameters' - Select field(s) you would like to update 

6. next enter a value you would like to calculate (no quotes). In my case I'm updating Email Status field, and setting it to be equal to: Thank You Closed.

You will probably need to add condition before the 'Update a record...' step, so update happends only if the field is not populate, or whatever condition that you need. 


I hope this helps. 



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