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How do we export polygon features by text geojson to display it at ArcGIS for Excel?

New Contributor

Hello there,

I believe for great potential for the ArcGIS for Excel, but I'm not sure what is the best way to integrate it between ArcGIS Pro and Excel for polygons.

Because, for points, it's not a big deal (it requires extracting X and Y). For polygons - We have to collect it by geometry by .geojson (text) format - it's fine but...

How to do that?

Any web tutorials go to suggest the WKT format, but I believe it should be possible to do that for .geojson format is only way for the plugin.

My suggestion goes to two steps:
1. Export geometry to text (into attribute)
2. Save feature table into  CSV/XSLX like below
I don't sure what's steps should be done in ArcGIS Pro?

Thanks for any advice

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Good afternoon @Piotrek6116, Thank you so much for the feedback and questions on using ArcGIS for Excel with ArcGIS Pro. I think we have a few questions to address in this post. I will list them below - 

1. What is the best way to integrate it between ArcGIS Pro and Excel for polygons?

  • At this time, using .geojson (text) format is the only option for polygons with Pro and A4E. Using ArcGIS Pro and exporting to Microsoft Excel worksheets (.xls and .xlsx) is the correct workflow for point data. Save the feature table into .xlsx format. You may also use ArcGIS Pro > publish a hosted feature layer to ArcGIS Online and then join in ArcGIS for Excel using a boundary.

boundary.jpggeo data.jpg

2. To understand the .geojson format, see our help topic on Data preparation. This can be a beneficial resource.

3. ArcGIS Online also has helpful documentation on how to set up data for supported feature types. GeoJSON using ArcGIS Online, uses a geographic coordinate reference system, World Geodetic System 1984, and units of decimal degrees.

Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions on these topics.



Shannon Cardoza
Product Engineer
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