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Contour line export to CAD File

01-22-2023 05:53 AM
New Contributor

Hello guys I just want some help. I'm just a student and I'm new to using ArcGIS. I just want to create a contour in ArcGIS and export it as a CAD file. When I opened it in AutoCAD, it looks okay but once you rotate your perspective, it suddenly lands in one place and lines up. When you look at one of the rows, you will see a small piece of contour line. What should I do? and is there a way how to create a contour line and export it to CAD file without any problem? Thank you.

I looked for a solution on the internet, like esri_elevatetofield but I don't know how to use it. 

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor


Thanks for writing and using ArcGIS in your workflows.

From what I understand here we are working with ArcGIS Pro which contains contour lines. This file is exported to a DWG file and opened in AutoCAD where the contours look fine as displayed in the cadContour.png. The issue comes in when the drawing is rotated within 3D as displayed by the perspective.png and smallPieceContourLine.png screen captures.

If we do nothing to the contour lines in the drawing file then their elevation will be zero and we have nothing really to look at in 3D since the Z-value is the same for all contours. From your other picture, esri_elevateToField.png, the elevations of these contours were updated to reflect each elevation from the value within the Contour attribute field, however, it would appear from the screen capture there is no Coordinate System set.

I did not test this entire workflow, but in general when I rotate the 3D perspective the contours I have do display at different elevations (z-values). Would it be possible to provide us with the following:

1) The ArcGIS Pro file.
2) The DWG file.

If you would rather not post them here you are welcome to message me privately.


New Contributor

Hello, nice to meet you, sorry for the inconvenience... I'm just getting into this topic and I have exactly the same problem and I wanted to see if there is a possibility of finding the solution directly in the Arcgis program without using autocad, or if I can use normal autocad and not the engineering one. If you could help me that would be perfect, thank you very much.

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Esri Contributor

Hello @francogalli,

I am really unsure how to respond since as far as I know I provided the previous user the answer they needed which should be the same answer you require given you claim to have the same issue.

I do not know what your data entails from an ArcGIS Pro perspective, but in general it should be the same since ArcGIS Pro can read the drawing file natively. If you used other CAD tools from the ArcGIS Pro side then the attribute tables will match the drawing from export.

ArcGIS for AutoCAD will work in all Autodesk AutoCAD verticals (AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Map 3D, etc.).

I hope this helps. If not please provide additional details to the issue.

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