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Improve multiple feature handling in the Identify Features/Attribute Editor dialog

08-25-2024 02:34 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hi there,

When multiple features are selected it tells me how many are selected, but does not allow me to page through them:


I would like to see an interface similar to ArcGIS Pro where if multiple features are selected you can choose between them.

Multiple features selected, you can see the attribute values vary:


but i can choose which one I am interested in and see only its attribute values:




1 Comment
Status changed to: Under Consideration

Hi @Marc_Graham,

Thanks for posting this Idea, which is currently under consideration by the product team.

Note that you can currently use the following approach to view attributes across multiple, selected features:

1. Select the features of interest in your drawing area.

2. Right-click on the layer in the Esri Contents pane.

3. Select Attribute Table.

4. In the Attribute Table, select the button highlighted below.


Attributes for only the selected features will be listed for you to view/work with.

