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What's new in ArcGIS for AutoCAD

05-04-2022 11:53 AM
Esri Contributor
1 3 663

410 release of ArcGIS for AutoCAD

The primary enhancements in this release are the introduction of sharing document feature layers as hosted web feature layers, and improvements in standardized ways to create document feature layers from drawing templates. This release included the addition of AutoLISP routines designed to assist in the automation of common editing tasks, enriched user interfaces, improved help documentation, and software bug fixes.

New functionality

  • Share document feature layers as hosted web feature layers to collaborate with GIS and field workflows.
  • AutoCAD block properties persist during synchronize. Nonlinked block attributes and rotation are preserved after synchronization.
  • Document feature layers can now be renamed in the feature layer properties user interface by editing the feature layer name edit box.
  • Create feature tools to assist in the proper placement of new features on the correct layer, accessed from the Esri Contents pane action buttons of a feature layer and the Esri_FeatureLayer command.
  • Linked text labels can be generated from the field values of features using the Esri_GenerateLabel/-Esri_GenerateLabel commands that will invoke the generate labels user interface, or the command line version.
  • The Esri_PickLabel command in this release now supports the text of dimension entities (read-only).
  • Industry standard data creation templates have been added to help jump start the creation of common data sets.
  • The new Esri_ElevateToField command has been added to allow you modify the elevation of features to numeric field values, such as the elevation value of 2D GIS contour lines.
  • Blocks can be applied to document feature layers in addition to web point feature layers using the Apply option of the Esri_FeatureLayer command or Apply Symbol context menu option of the Esri Contents user interface.

User interface changes

  • Add Data Experience includes better portal search and browsing, including better organization of groups, and new data creation templates for setting up common GIS data schema and symbology.
  • Quick access to the Esri Maps collection is now a separate ribbon button.
  • The Esri Contents pane can access more functionality through action buttons and new context menu options.
  • Sorting by field values has been implemented in the attribute table user interface.

ArcGIS for AutoCAD AutoLISP functions

  • (esri_label_generate)—AutoLISP function to used to automate the placement of linked text labels
  • (esri_featurelayer_share)—AutoLISP function used to share document feature layers as hosted web feature layers
  • (esri_label_set)—AutoLISP function to link existing text entities to feature attribute field values
  • (esri_maplayer_extract)—AutoLISP function to automate the extraction of dynamic map and image layer images as static AutoCAD image entities
  • (esri_featurelayer_selectspecial)—AutoLISP function to select features by complex criteria such as being flagged as modified or inside or geometric type


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