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Trying to figure out why field maps isn't letting me add inspections to my hydrant layer... pics attached.

2 weeks ago
Emerging Contributor

I've done this a few times and related the table set up the pop-ups and the forms.  And when I go into field maps after its shared, I touch the table, and nothing is there. Its probably just a minor fix I hope but since I'm self-taught at this part I need some help.  Pics below.  I made the original table in arcgis pro and related it there.

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3 Replies
by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

Hi @Tooele_City ,

It might depend on the permissions set on the layer/table. If only update capabilities are there then you would need to modify the service/feature layer to enable 'Add' capabilities in order to add. If the capability is there but you cannot add then it could be a coding issue.

The way we have it set up is the hydrant information itself gets updated, and appends the record as a historical record to a related table using attribute rules in our portal.

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Emerging Contributor

I went back into the ArcGIS pro deleted the relate and did it again and now it works.  This seems to be random.

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by MVP Regular Contributor
MVP Regular Contributor

Hosted services, if that is what you are using, can be finicky at times so reliability can be questionable.

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