Hi @kmsmikrud I looked at the three logs.
For 0423 log.txt file it seems like the user if offline for most the day. In the logs it looks like sometime around 4pm the tracks all get uplooaded in several batches of 500 points each.
There is an entry here:
4/20/21, 6:03 PM Failed to upload tracks: Upload tracks error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Tracks.TrackingManager.TrackingManagerUploadTracksError error 1.)
4/20/21, 6:03 PM Failed to upload tracks
4/20/21, 6:03 PM ↓ additional info: apply edits to tracks table failed: The request timed out.
Which seems to imply the device became disconnected from ArcGIS Online and the tracks stopped uploading. There were still 15860 tracks to upload that were collected on 4/20.
Then on 4/21 a similar thing happens where the app is not able to upload all of the tracks are there still 35181 tracks that are un-uploaded. It seems like the device went offline or the app was closed at 4:49pm.
4/22/21, 10:42 AM Found an Exploded Map Package at: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/71389428-CF02-4303-82C8-249FB2D8D467/Documents/christopher.shepherd_adfg@VdkVOAHovLuozJG4/mapareas/1e61298bd3e1489fa2d1f9f5ea520b08/d792345124ca4786ba26cd98e4b368f0/
4/21/21, 4:49 PM Pending features: 35181
4/21/21, 4:49 PM Uploaded 500 features (6 sec)
Then the same thing happens again on 4/22 where the app simply isn't connected to AGOL long enough to upload all the tracks.
In summary it seems like the app is collecting more tracks per day than can be uploaed over the period of time the app is connected to AGOL. The app uploads tracks in batches of 500 at a time when connected and for some days all of the days tracks are not uploaded. This continues on day after day and the problem gets worse and worse.
For the PWSHerring_0005_logs.txt. For couple days it was working but then the same issue happens here as in the previous log file:
4/20/21, 10:33 AM Found an Exploded Map Package at: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/71389428-CF02-4303-82C8-249FB2D8D467/Documents/christopher.shepherd_adfg@VdkVOAHovLuozJG4/mapareas/1e61298bd3e1489fa2d1f9f5ea520b08/d792345124ca4786ba26cd98e4b368f0/
4/19/21, 4:08 PM Failed to upload tracks: Upload tracks error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Tracks.TrackingManager.TrackingManagerUploadTracksError error 1.)
4/19/21, 4:08 PM ↓ additional info: host unreachable
4/19/21, 4:08 PM Failed to upload tracks
4/19/21, 4:04 PM Uploading 500 features
4/19/21, 4:04 PM Pending features: 16879
So all of those 16879 tracks were not uploaded.
For the PWSHerring_0006_logs I don't really see any issues. It seems like tracking is started and stopped a lot though and not many tracks are collected.
We do have an issue in our backlog to added a status indicating when there are tracks that are pending upload. I think this might help at least inform your workers that all the tracks are not uploaded.
Could you explain what the operating procedure is at the end of day? Are the devices turned off? Is the app closed? Are the devices plugged in to charge?
The same logic and even most of the code is the same between Tracker and Field Maps so the recommendation is to use Field Maps for location tracking. We are putting all of our current and future tracking enhancements into Field Maps. On iOS when an external receiver is paired, all locations flow through CoreLocation so Tracker and Field Maps will get the same information if both were running.