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Layers not displaying in Field Maps when filtered by date - no error message

05-07-2021 09:37 AM
Occasional Contributor

We are experiencing issues with layers not drawing in Field Maps when they are filtered by date using 'not in the last' or 'is blank'. The map was built in Map Viewer Classic, and the layers display properly there and in Collector. Our field users are on iPads with Field Maps. When I open the map in Map Viewer (new), it says it has 'Problem displaying filter'. I tried to rebuild the map in the new map viewer and it makes me resave the filter each time I click on a layer. Even then, using the date filter 'not in the last' or 'is blank' means the layers won't display on the tablet. We have a number of maps that use 'in the last' filter that appear to be displaying properly. No error message is thrown saying the layer didn't draw properly. We have confirmed that it is not just one map showing this issue.




Field Maps on iPad:


10 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @ErinCourtney ,


This sounds like a known issue we have logged that occurs when using the 'not in the last' filter. I can add a note that it is also reproducible with 'is blank'. If you have access to support I would suggest opening a ticket and getting attached to BUG-000121972 That way you can track the status and any updates.




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Occasional Contributor

Thanks @ColinLawrence. I will open a tech support ticket.



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New Contributor

Hi @ErinCourtney and @ColinLawrence  Have you received any resolution? I am still experiencing the same issue when using the 'not in the last' expression. I have known of this issue for several years now and hope that each update will fix it but.... Everything displays and functions as expected in Map Viewer, MV Classic, Collector and Web App Builder....Unfortunately, it will not display in Field Maps where we need it the most. Very frustrating!

Esri Regular Contributor

I can understand the frustrations but this is unfortunately out of my hands. I have been pushing for updates from the team but as of now there are no further updates on the timeline of a fix. If you havent done so already please contact Support and attach yourself to the bug. A bug can also be escalated by your account manager.

Occasional Contributor

I have the exact same problem! Hoping it's gonna be fixed soon!

Occasional Contributor

Enterprise 10.9.1 Field Maps is still not processing a filter with "in the last" I created a support ticket. Anyone find a solution?

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Occasional Contributor

Hello all,

We ended up with a workaround using Arcade expressions for the symbology. Here is an example of one:

 //number of days since anticipated asphalt patch date
var asphLength = DateDiff(Today(), Date($feature["ANTICIPATED_ASPHALT_PATCH_DATE"]), 'days')
//return 'true' if anticipated asphalt patch dates is blank
var tempNull = IsEmpty($feature["ANTICIPATED_ASPHALT_PATCH_DATE"])
//classify as 'needpatch' if asph length is longer than 60 days or anticipated patch date is blank
//classify as 'good' if asph length is less than 60 days and anticipated patch date is not blank
When(asphLength >=60 || tempNull == true, 'needpatch', asphLength < 60 && tempNull == false, 'good', 'no info').

Hope that's helpful.



Occasional Contributor

Thanks for this work around @ErinCourtney 

Just wanted to update this one, May 2024 and the bug still persists in Field Maps.

New Contributor

Did further testing and this issue still persists as of Sept 2024.

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