The user would like to export the area they will draw or capture with continuous mode from field maps mobile or the web map . ( polygons of invasive plants in many places at the same time to calculate the sum)
The field 'area' does not exist on field maps but in the gdb with the st_area field. They must open arcgis map to export the data to obtain the area they need.
Indeed, when the area is created, it's indicated on field maps apps(see the screenshot) but we can't get this figure except on arcgis map.
How can i get the area from field maps without open Arcgis?
is there a way like on survey that we can add a formule on xls form to get area, perimetre or distance?
With arcade, it's not possible to create an expression with an automaticate field like area.
Thanks for answers
Does not appear as if you can add that to the Form, but if you configure the popup in map viewer, you can add the st_area field to it, and will show when you click on the polygon.
If you look at the Item Details data tab for the hosted feature layer, do you not see the field there either?
How was the feature layer created, and are you working with a view?
Yes, it's possible to add a field indeed in AGOL, i export a shape of my data and i add the field st_area.
For the moment, when i collect on field map on this data, nothing appear on this field st-area).
And, with my version of argis server (10.7.1), i can't have the possibility to add new field, and all the field create with arcgis (st_lenght, st_area) don't appear also.
I will create all my web map and data on arcgis server , not on agol. That's why, i didn't find what you show me.
I can't get all the parameters for the moment with my version like in agol. I 'm still looking for a solution...