Hi all,
We can see that Field Maps can allow geofencing within ArcGIS Velocity or GeoEvent Server, but with this tracking extension for a user, can we continue to have geofence monitoring and notifications on a device while offline?
We are investigating GeoMoby and want to see if we can do the same in Field Maps.
Our use case is:
FYI @KevinBurke, @JeffShaner
A bit of info for those who are interested. We had a meeting with our ESRI reps earlier this week regarding this topic to see what the options are.
Available Now (and has only been available for a few weeks so is still a new offering): @GordonO touched on it above, but you can get offline geofencing capacity through a custom built app that can include any or all of Field Maps functionality plus additional functionality. The catch is you need to engage ESRI to custom build the app (2 - 4 (ish) weeks over a 3 month(ish) period of back and forth work). You have a couple of deployment options (sideload or pursue App Store options at additional cost). This app can draw on your ArcGIS Online services for mapping and geofence designations (using geo-triggers) just like Field Maps can. The app build is a one off cost and then runs inside of your existing ArcGIS Online subscription.
In the future: The roadmap includes developing this functionality as a standard offering in Field Maps, but will take time (18 months?).
Both of the above scenarios DO NOT require GeoEvent Server (Enterprise) or Velocity (ArcGIS Online). These options instead provide the office-side geofencing notifications and analytics (at a cost - ongoing maintenance) using location feeds (can be any source really - not just Tracker).
Quick update seeming as how things have changed. Find more info on out-of-the-box geofencing capabilities in Field Maps here: Get Started with Geofences in ArcGIS Field Maps (esri.com)