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Field Maps is requiring a field for no reason

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03-07-2023 12:36 PM
Occasional Contributor

I have a table that can be edited with field maps, but for some reason there's a field that is required on the mobile app even though I do not have required checked on field maps and null values are allowed. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it not required. I attached a screen shot to show that it should not be a required field and they should be able to change other fields in the table or delete the value in this field without adding anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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13 Replies
Frequent Contributor

You're welcome, happy to help.  Hopefully, your next go at it will be successful.  Best of luck going forward, and feel free to post here again if you still have any questions.

Mitchell Grafstein, Horticultural Inspector 1, NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets
Occasional Contributor

I just wanted to mention in case anyone reads this that it doesn't appear that I can make null a default value. The field is a string so typing <Null> as a domain value just writes that, and I can't leave the domain field blank or even just use a space in the field so it will look blank. I hope this is something ESRI fixes in the future, because in this field I need restricted domain values, but they don't necessarily have to put something in it in order to edit other attributes. I still can't think of a good way to deal with this.

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I was able to enter a string with one space to the codedValue domain and that was sufficient enough to fullfill the required field requirements.  Not ideal, but that did work for me.  Disappointing that we cannot use an empty string as a default value, but ' ' worked for me.  


Oddly enough, I do have one feature saved with the ' ' value, and it looks like the web app couldn't count it even though it definitely exists as a single space in the data.  (Should be a (1) next to that first option.) [This is in Enterprise Portal 10.9.1, so it could be different in AGOL.]

Mitchell Grafstein, Horticultural Inspector 1, NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets
Frequent Contributor

Just as an FYI, it still cannot "count" it correctly even in the visualization tab, but it does show up correctly in Field Maps.  (In my test, I have one blue dot and one red dot.  The single space string is erroneously showing up as other here, but it shows up correctly in the mobile application.)




Probably a bug, so I am curious how it shows up for you in AGOL.  I have had issues counting up null and blank values in Arcade in the past, as well.  I might have to submit a bug report on these types of things at some point.

I hope this helps.

Mitchell Grafstein, Horticultural Inspector 1, NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets
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