One of my Field Map Apps does not have an edit or delete function. The field map is connected to Survey123 and the the Survey was created with the previous Survey123 Connect. Which may be the reason but before I remake the survey and connect it to Field maps I want to see if anyone else may have run into this issue.
So far, I've verified that editing is enabled, I went onto the Field Maps browser and enabled delete points under the collection tab. I've unenabled and reenabled the editing functions and saved to see if that would push start field maps to edit. Nothing has changed, I also reviewed the JSON from the survey points to verify that deletion is possible and all survey points are confirmed as true.
I can still select the feature but there's no edit or delete options once the feature has been selected. When I click edit multiple, I'm unable to select any features. Any thoughts or comments are welcome! Thank you.
Is editing of the survey feature layer itself enabled?
Yes it is enabled
Solution: Uncheck the public data collection and uncheck/check the feature layer to be editable. Refresh and it will allow you to edit or delete on field maps once again.