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Field maps does not allow me to search by tables in the mobile application

02-11-2022 01:11 PM
New Contributor

I've already followed the steps to enable map search in field apps like Field Maps and Collector. However, when I want to do a search by table and enable it in the advanced options, in the mobile application it does not work. But when I enable the location or a layer if you allow me to do the search.

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2 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

@AngieLorenaMartínezCuervoCurrently, this is "as designed." I'd suggest creating a new ArcGIS Idea for this so others can chime in and up-vote it. If you end up creating an idea can you please include why you need to search tables. Do you need to find specific inspections? Which fields are you searching on?

Occasional Contributor

The same issue I have, I already configured search by table, but when I try searching from the ArcGIS filed maps it returns "No Results". I followed all the steps in the URL below:

Configure feature and table search for maps—Portal for ArcGIS | Documentation for ArcGIS Enterprise

I am not sure what is the issue, the table is published with the same MXD feature layers and related to one Feature layer. I hope to find a solution fir this issue. 

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