Since a couple of days we are experiencing problems with the upload of Tracks and Last Known Locations for some of our users.
The Fiels Maps App seems also unstable, webmaps not loading, basemap not showing, app crashing, and after a while there seems to be no more communication with the location tracking service. While inspecting the log there are entries that suggest only the LKL is updated (no tracks uploaded anymore, after 10:54), but in the Track viewer it doesn't reflect the last location as tracked localy in the app. And only a part of the track data is present, till 10:54. Multiple users are experiencing the same problem, seems like the tracking is only working from the first 1-2 hours from start.
We are using FMA latest Appversion 22.1.0 Build 1092 with Portal 10.8.1
Attached a log from one of our users, battery was charged up 90-100%
For privacy reasons I annonymized the log by replacing some data with 'aaa'
Kind Regards,
@TimvanderWeyden We just pushed a hot-fix to the Play Store today (version 22.1.1) to address a crash related to location tracking. I'll look at the logs when I get a chance.
The logs indicate that after 10:54 no new locations were received by the app. There are several messages with:
stationary updating LKL service with last location
This is logged when there is no new location but the last known location feature attributes are updated. What device is this?
@Anonymous User Thanks for the quick hotfix! I hope this fixes the crashes.
Regarding the "stationary" log entry:
We have around 100 workers using FMA, and depending on weather conditions about 10-40 of them working concurrent. Most of them are using an Android 11 Samsung tablet with internal GPS, some of them are using the Trimble R1 external GPS with GNSS Status App.
The specific log in this post is from a user using his internal GPS from the tablet, I have to check the exact device he is working on. After 10:54 he still was walking his inspection untill around 13:30, but the track was only visible localy.
We withnessed the same situation the day before yesterday, it is also in the logging:
Thu Apr 14 07:48:32 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Uploaded 88 features (PT1.435S)
Thu Apr 14 07:48:30 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Updated last known location
Thu Apr 14 07:48:30 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Pending features: 88
Thu Apr 14 07:48:27 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Uploaded 500 features (PT4.622S)
Thu Apr 14 07:48:23 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Updated last known location
Thu Apr 14 07:48:22 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Pending features: 587
Thu Apr 14 07:48:21 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Uploaded 500 features (PT5.978S)
Thu Apr 14 07:48:14 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Updated last known location
Thu Apr 14 07:48:14 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Pending features: 1087
Thu Apr 14 07:48:11 GMT+02:00 2022 : [TRACKS] - Uploaded 500 features (PT5.506S)
Here a bulk of tracks was uploaded yesterday morning that was tracked the day before (April 13). In the Track viewer we lost his track around 9:35. But localy his tracks were visible, at the end of day it was not possible to upload any tracks nor LKL, but at April 14 in the morning the tracks are suddenly upoaded.
Our workers are using 4G network that covers the whole country, so it's not a connection problem.
I am having a similar issue with two of my test user phones where the mobility tracks have not been uploading consistently. I'm unsure if it is a connectivity issue and will investigate that further but was wondering if there is a way to determine if it's a Field Maps App issue instead. Any feedback or information would be greatly appreciated.
Also Tim, how were you able to retrieve the data logs in that format? I have only been able to retrieve them through ArcGIS Pro. If you have any additional information and would be willing to start an email thread let me know! My email is lucas_blackmore@brown.edu and I'm just trying to get a better understanding on how this data tracking and uploading works.