I have a field called Park Name in my form and the user selects the park from a list of options.
I have another field called Parent_Asset_ID. The asset ID's have already been assigned and each park has a parent asset id. Instead of the user having to pick this, I would like the field to fill in automatically based on the park name they selected in the previous step. How can I do this? Where would I have to put the list of Parent_Asset_ID's? I did all the parks layer to my field maps and the asset id's are in there.
If there's no relationship class or anything like that to rely on, you could use a Calculated Expression on the Parent_Asset_ID field. Here's an example where I would use the value from a tree species field to populate a "general tree category" field.
if($feature.species=='Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa)'){ return 'Oak' }
else if ($feature.species=='Ginko (Ginko biloba)'){ return 'Ginko' }
else if ...
Then you just match up the appropriate asset id. Possibly a bit ham-handed, but it all depends on your setup. If the user isn't creating a feature, then you can't do an intersect, and if there's no relationship class, you can't call it out that way.
Thank you. I appreciate the feedback. May be time consuming with 200 parks but if it's the only way.
A slightly quicker option might be the Decode function in Arcade. That one works by just using matched pairs. As an example:
var p = $feature.ParkName
var assetID = Decode(p,'Park Name 1','Asset ID 1','Park Name 2','Asset ID 2', etc,'Default Value')
It's a faster type anyway, does the same thing as the multiple If-else lines.
Might be best to create a Dictionary to store the Keys and Values, then expression using if else with HasKey() or DefaultValue()
Suggest you read this blog, then follow the links to examples, you put the calculate expressions into the layers form.
@CJCowardin Does the park ID need to be filled out when the data is being collected in the field? If not, you can do some post-processing on your data and add those park IDs to the data back in the office. You can either do it manually with a field calculation or set up a python script.
I think I can use this example in my field maps app but just need help changing the information to fit what I have. If someone could help, that would be much appreciated.