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Field Map - Photo error on Android Phone

06-01-2023 12:11 PM
New Contributor

We have a field map set up for our employees which works well.   We do have one employee with a Motorola Android 12 and when we collect the point it works but we are not able to TAKE PHOTO.   When we attempt to take the photo, we do take the photo but the app just goes right back to the map and we lose the point information that we have typed.   Essentially all of the information for the point is lost.   We are able to successfully add points without photos using TAKE PHOTO.   We have not tried to ATTACH a photo because we prefer to have all employees using the same workflow/process.    

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @ChristyChristensen , sorry I didnt come across this message earlier. There is an existing thread that sounds like the behavior you are running into:

There is some additional information there. 
